
Wollongong, Australia

Jan 21 at 12:55 PM

I too feel I must be here for some reason because the amount of times that I should have not been here anymore and the fact that I even survived my birth is insane God won't let me die or the universe or whatever but I have no idea what I am supposed to be doing or do that I don't already do I find it interesting one way talks about levitation and things like that because when I was in high school years to take four of us one finger on one part of a person's body who would be sitting on a chair and we would have one finger under their armpit and one behind their knee and we use to do a little Mantra where we would put our hands over each other saying something along the lines of as light as a feather soft as a cloud or something along those lines and after we're doing it we were able to levitate the person so basically just four person four fingers and we could lift them right up high in the air I never understood how because when we didn't say the Mantra they were heavy weight and we couldn't lift them up at all it was very strange and I still to this day do not understand how we manage to do it

Lincoln Jessor incorporates house music, with OM chanting he is awesome and it makes you want to dance and you feel good at the same time. He also does it in different sound frequencies as well. He's on most platforms including spotify, has his own website, but uses, fb, installation, ? Tik Tok, and I think you tube. He's really awesome to watch and enjoy, he does other chants as well, such as OM PADE WA, 🕉 I probably have spelt that wrong, but look him up and you'll see what I mean.

He'd be great to have on the channel, to do a interview and watch him perform. etc, he has video clips of him performing in the U.S Desert, and at beaches etc. He's extremely talented and worth checking out.😁


Nov 04 at 09:10 PM

Have you asked them about it?

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Oct 11 at 03:38 AM

Mary Jo Weaver yes and I'm exactly like that. 😄😊

The eye was a zoomed in pic I didn't like my 1st pic.

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Oct 11 at 03:35 AM

Awesome to see so many fellow Sagittarians 😁

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Oct 11 at 03:34 AM

Not a winter solstice baby if you weren't in the USA or opposite side of the world when it's summer 😉 😀 😄

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Oct 02 at 08:01 AM

I'm story is similar to yours, I hear you, I have been reducing my meds over time. I don't know if I will get my life back, the depression is really hard at the moment.

Oct 02 at 06:34 AM

The land of too.

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Sep 17 at 10:46 AM

How does a person eventually leave the Land of Darkness, especially if they took their own life?

How do you get them out?

Replied on Surviving MK Ultra

Aug 20 at 09:28 PM

Would like to know too