
Wollongong, Australia

Commented on 💚compassion

Jul 31 at 11:39 AM

This is me, I used to road rage when young, then stopped because of exactly this, I started to realise that we don't always know why someone is driving a certain way and now when I'm driving with a person who road rages, I'm constantly trying to explain this, but a lot of ppl just don't get it. It's the same with life. We don't always know the reason why a person is behaving a certain way or do certain things we've become very judgemental of others and lack patience.

Jul 31 at 11:31 AM

How do you do this if you only have 1 arm? I have a lot of these symptoms but only 1 arm I can't do it? Is there another way?


Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Jul 31 at 10:46 AM

Carolann Smith oh I'm so sorry to hear this, what a ordeal that must be for you and your children 😢

Jul 31 at 09:00 AM

im confused I did my eldest son, I got 28, but if I then if add the 2+8, I get 10, so does that mean he's a 1? Then I did my daughter I got 33, does that mean she's a 6 or 33? My youngest I got 13, do I add that and he's a 4 or 13?

Jul 31 at 08:51 AM

I'm a 7 yet I have always disliked the numbers 7 and 9, I always tend to be drawn to 5 and multiples of 5. Interesting 🤔

Daddy Dragon I hope you remain safe x

Mar 16 at 01:22 AM

Maybe they didn't make this stuff happen, but they actually have inside information 🤔


Mar 10 at 06:57 AM

I don't want to sound RUDE, but I watched it and I don't think it's really that urgent, Jason & the TLS Would highley likely be aware of all this already, I imagine that there would be ppl in the TLS Whose jobs are keeping up to date with news and information and seen all the de classified information that keeps coming out and know this sort of stuff, geez some members maybe have lived and seen it all whilst things were classified in that actual time. ?

@ Abigail Tavarez Because of our ego, is still our biggest problem. Money, Greed until we get past that, nothing will change.

Mar 09 at 12:46 AM

Australia could have been self sufficient for a long time, but our Government sold us out, we sell our natural resources overseas, we've sold so much of our land to China. There is so much natural and man made problems going on I don't see how we get of this alive, unless we pack up and move to another planet like those 4 alien races did and came here that Ray mentioned.

How are the TLS able to stop all of this when they only have 8000 members, that's not enough. Or we truly do become spiritual in that we do all die and then we relocate ourselves through death, cos the TLS can't stop the pole shift, which causes extreme weather changes & makes earth uninhabitable as well as the psychopaths affecting our weather intentionally. Earth as a planet will self preserve itself it will get rid of humans and heal itself, it's done that many times that's just some of the many ways.sorry to sound negative but this stuff is real! Unless you know a solution and keeping it from us.?
