
Wollongong, Australia


Dec 29 at 10:50 AM

Movie; Leave The Word Behind.
Streaming on Netflix. Well in Australia it is, hopefully you guys see it in the U.S
Their showing us again through a movie of what they are going to do to the U.S, just like they showed about the vaccine that Dr Ardis mentioned, Bullet Train, only this is far worse. The movie is called, LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND.
I Believe this is related to the Chinese takeover of the U.S.A, TO Become the next super power country. Which has been their plan in the making for many decades and I have been learning more and more over time and following what the Chinese have been up to. ESPECIALLY In countries such as Australia, the U.K And America. I don't know if Jason knows about this or how much the TLS knows, but I'd really like to be able to bring my knowledge to him? But I don't know how other than this channel and hope that someone draws his attention to it.
Because there is a lot going on with China and those aligned with China.
I want to warn you of what they've been planning and doing and it's been slow, as they are extremely patient and slowly been working towards their end game.
But they show you in this movie how they intend to destroy America, and they even had the nerve to use, in a throwaway kind of joke, line about the EVIL KABUL As Ray calls them, they show US how they will use EMS OR AND EMPS, they show th fallout of this technology and how 1 gets The Radiation poisoning from that technology, im guessing, similar to what Ray experienced and has discussed. when in the tunnels, when 20 TLS Members went in, got ambushed by a boobytrap, of the EMPS and only 2 survived, Ray and a woman. When Jason received a phone call to get to a certain place ASAP and went to Ray's rescue, and helped save him from the radiation poisoning. where everything that Jason, Ray and others have discussed , WELL IT IS IN THIS MOVIE
Someone, people, please bring this to Jason's Attentipn and awareness, because I honestly don't know how the U.S or the TLS will be able to stop this!!!
I've known about this and the many other things China's Government has been planning for decades, but the fact they've now shown us, I fear that it may not be all that far away. Even Ray has touched on some of this!!!
If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it, as my jaw was dropped the whole time, and I was saying, I know about this! All throughout the movie. Look deeper than face value, it will make sense, if you know and put the pieces together.



Nov 15 at 05:29 AM

I am slowly dying and no one can help me, my doctor has given up. No one can give me healing advice. I tried the nicotine patches Dr Ardis mentioned, nothing. I cant sleep for more than 2hrs, I can't eat, I barely drink, and many other symptoms, I've tried everything. I can't go on like this! I'm in Australia and no I don't look like my profile pic that's from a few years ago when I was healthy. I tried to unalive myself earlier this year as I can't cope and I ended up surviving 4 days stuck in 1 position and caused crush injury to my right arm, it was amputated. I don't know how I survived 4 days without any fluids but time and time again I pull through things including my birth, it's like I'm not allowed to not be here, I do want to live, just not like this, nor with many other health conditions I have including fibromyalgia which causes chronic pain and fatigue and other health issues, now this which has been going on for over a year. I'm on a disabilities pension and can't afford expensive treatment, please can anyone help me please 🙏 I can't get to an EES as there's not 1 set up near me yet. I'm done Crying no tears left, just rotting in bed.😭



Oct 04 at 12:04 PM

Poor Ray, trying to explain, what we are doing on earth and what is going on to other humans. We are all energy beings, who have come here to experience living as a human being, but WE ARE NOT HUMANS, We Are ENERGY ENTITIES, like Jason says ENERGY cannot be Created or destroyed and we have all come here to experience Being HUMANS. EARTH IS A MERE BLIP OF AN EXPERIMENT WE CHOOSE TO COME AND HAVE A GO AT. THE EARTH IS JUST ANOTHER OF GODS EXPERIMENTS. HE IS A LIGHT BEING LIKE ALL OF US! RAY is Here JUST TRYING TO HAVE HIS HUMAN EXPERIENCE. IF YOU KNOw YOU KNOW! 😇❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵🤎🖤🩶💫✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️💫