
Wollongong, Australia

Mar 09 at 12:35 AM

How so UNIFYD TV? The true north pole has shifted so far away from where it should be, to the point where natural disasters occur? Jason has talked about this even, scientists are talking about it. What it leads to is the end of human life on earth, like has happened many times over. Let alone the extreme concern of what they are doing with AI, Where they want to microchip us or they can even put nano particles into the air and we'll inhale them, they want to be able to control us, we will think we have an idea or a thought, when in fact they will be generated by a super computer, we all will be sheep regardless of how spiritual we may be. Then there's all the crap that the evil psychopaths are doing and planning, I honestly don't see how we are going to get out of this alive. Oh and his prediction of Australia has changed, because we sold out, we don't make anything here anymore, we buy everything from other countries like China, we grow produce and sell it overseas. So yes Austr


UNIFYD TV this answer is not a good one, what happens if he and his family do go missing, then you will have blood on your hands. Someone should at least listen to what he has to say.


Daddy Dragon I believe you, I'm not being followed, but I can remote view and I am picking up lots of stuff. Have you spoken out publicly or something for them to be targeting you specifically.

I think it's a bit sad that no one from here is willing to listen to you. I would have thought this is the 1 place to provide help and I don't agree in the response by this site that you should just trust in divine intervention. Plenty of ppl have been made to disappear, you'd think they'd take you more seriously. Hopefully you will be safe, or this site will have blood on its hands!


Karen social anxiety is fear based and those experiences were fearful enough to cause fear, then when not fully dealt with, leads to a snowball effect and you become fearful.

Your brain is giving you false signals that you are in danger, these turn into anxiety as you are constantly releasing cortisol and adrenalin which is the cause of feeling anxiety. Maybe you need to try exposure therapy, so you learn that you can trust yourself and others 🩷 also labels are horrible in that they keep us locked in this false perception of something is wrong with us.


Mar 08 at 11:44 PM

michael obviously not?

Feb 26 at 12:21 PM

I also believe Jason was in Australia for other purposes, I thought he may be having a meeting with the TLS chapter in Australia. I wish I could join the TLS. I Feel I was meant for something greater in this life to help humanity. I feel I'm wasting the gifts I was born with.

Feb 26 at 12:15 PM

Because GOD is Source, it's not so much about religion, if im right in what I've realised, Who we call God, isn't really so much about religion. God or source or whatever name you choose to call it, was the creator of everything not just earth.

Feb 17 at 10:52 AM

Definitely 💯