Daddy Dragon

Apr 05 at 03:25 AM

Cindy ghysel to each their own. Just giving my opinion. 👍

Apr 04 at 01:19 PM

The rays of light is not a good book and it teaches nothing. People more worried about their sex lives and who they can have sex with and multiple people... I mean for 3 chapters it was nothing but this mess. Trash. I dont see the enlightenment in it at all.

Mar 31 at 10:56 PM

Brittany calton I guess you could say that.

The Guardians on the other hand say something different. But eh, to each their own. You know what you know, and I know what I know. It doesn't mean anyone is right or wrong. I have learned alot from Thoth and Amenti, and I will be going to Arulu next.

Mar 31 at 03:34 PM

Brittany calton that's easy to say, because of all the bs we have been handed. But can I ask you a question? Have you been to the halls of Amenti? Because I have. Im not saying that everything in the tablets is golden but I can say that the tablets were a road map of what we as "humans" are suppose to do in this life.

Mar 30 at 10:06 AM

#655321 true, but thoth was not speaking of lizard people, he was speaking on the guardians that prowl and protect the edge of this universe. Who do not allow anyone in or anyone out, less they be thrown into the Abyss never to live again, never to reincarnate, always in endless torture, no light, no life, no warmth at all.


Mar 29 at 05:32 PM

♥︎999♥︎ There is a border crisis. Eagle Pass is horrible with over 50 million Illegal Aliens since 2020. Everyday 5,000 or more come into Texas everyday. Just last week they stromed the national guard, ripprd down the wire and flooded into Texas. So yes its real and it is bad.

Mar 27 at 06:38 PM

Lauren Piper you too and thank you. Stay stong and trust in the Universe.

Mar 27 at 05:00 PM

UNIFYD TV while I applaud everything that you do and have accomplished. I was taught differntly by Great Spirit. I understand if you do not know what I speak of, each in their own time. But... There will come a time when somebody doesn't need money to get their word out. I get that this is also a buisness, what I am saying is what you have created and done is, according to Great Spirit to be given freely. I see that you are posting your accomplishments, I applaud that. Speaking on the side of Esoteric, the path can be muddied when any buisness or money is involved. We think we are doing the right thing and the are on the right path, until we lose sight of the path and lose sight of our mission. That is why I had an issue.


Mar 26 at 09:46 PM

Lauren Piper thank you. I see where you are coming from and I am compassionate about it believe me. But, I am not safe, the gov watches my every move, every call, every text, all traffic. I know the end goal and they don’t like that. But I have been called to a higher purpose. This platform is meant to help humanity to rise up out of the gutter, to embrace the light and yet, I can’t help but to notice that the transformation, (which is for all of humanity, not only for those who can afford it) is charged at 500 dollars plus. I can’t help but to notice that the vital healing, that people need; is being monetized for 800 dollars and waay up. The energy that they are using is the same energy in this universe that is free and a god given right. But it is being produced as a cash flow option. So, from where I am sitting no, they are not on the same wavelength and until they figure that out, then they are still searching for the path and the truth.
