Lauren Piper

Commented on Conversations With Ray

Feb 22 at 08:03 PM

UNIFYD TV did ray and Jason ever get a chance to release the part of the book with the light they were talking about? The part where ray said he wanted to review it first

Replied on HEAL

Feb 17 at 06:27 PM

I agree, the 99% are the working class who haven’t got the budget to stretch and all these people preach about “healing the world” but fail to see the error in their own greed which is feeding the collective. Apparently we all have a victim mind set but they are still living the predator and prey way. I agree companies like unifyd need to fund their content but healing is a god given gift. They all talk about division but haven’t come together as one to help the nation. Prisoners are being tourchered and no one cares. Children are being taken into care left right and centre in the UK and they either end up as a dealer or a user. None of these people have seen what it’s like in the gutter they talk about it as if they do. The UK is a dangerous place to live. Our government is getting away with genocide and no one cares.


Sep 17 at 05:23 PM

Agreed. I feed my dog my own food

Sep 17 at 05:22 PM

I agree with this. Don’t worry I’ve started a big thing over in the UK called Belief coding… it changes internal belief systems and trauma. Once qualified I’ll be helping as many people as I possibly can for free



Aug 05 at 02:13 AM

Belief codes = changing I can’t to I always can!
Hi everyone,
I started something in the UK that is growing spiritually and physically and very rapidly. It’s not cheap so I’m really trying to help humanity by offering this. Similar to the emotion code except this takes you far back into all of the lost pasts of your soul.
This occurs when we inherit emotions from our parents and as time goes on we will experience events that trigger the same emotional responses. These events will all be different. Each event stores small parts of your soul.
Belief coding goes into the “reflections” and gives that part of you what it needs to heal and gives the reflection new beliefs to adopt and the new positive emotions that are normally the opposite.
We talk about fear a lot on here. Fear isn’t always what it seems. “Lack of control” comes with childhood abuse as we try to control our outcomes we view the world through a victim lens which then causes emotions like “horror” and “terror” our children inherit any unhealed emotions that are historically in the family lineage.
I am nearly qualified and need to help some people in the community. If anyone is interested in actually releasing their limited belief patterns and unserving emotions then I will offer this help for free. Since doing belied coding myself I have unblocked spiritual abilities that I never even knew were possible.
Any questions welcome ❤️



May 27 at 04:24 PM

Rishi Sunak is trying to make in compulsory for any one in the UK to serve a minimum of a year in the military once at the age of 18. All be forced to do jobs for the government for free. He then gaslights himself in the same video by saying that people are not given the same opportunities in this country, and we are at risk of losing our democratic values.
What the f*** is going on? I know TLS want to do this peacefully, but I feel like I’m sat here powerless and I can’t do anything. My children will never serve in the military why is this going back to Nazi Germany?
Are there any updates for what’s going on I’m tired of fighting

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 30 at 04:09 PM

Maybe the moon is a collective ideal rather than a place and it’s to do with the vibration of the planet at present? It could all change at any moment once we all reach that level of consciousness 🤷🏻‍♀️ who knows 😝

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 28 at 09:20 AM

No offence but your not seeing the point of a victimhood contiousness. Judging and pointing fingers is victim behaviour. Until we stop seeing them as the cause we will continue in this state. We all have a part to play in what’s going on. We all allowed the government in our countries to do what they have done. You have to start taking risks and not be scared to loose anything. I’ve had corruption from children’s services and even after me reading the human rights to them they still laughed at me. Until YOU say NO! No one is coming to save us you have to save yourself. I’m not judging you I’m just saying I’m fighting the same war as you and pointing fingers and judging will keep us divided and in a state of fear.

Apr 25 at 11:35 AM

I am a Pisces and that’s why I love you so much 🤣🫣

Apr 25 at 11:32 AM

