Lauren Piper

Sep 17 at 05:23 PM

Agreed. I feed my dog my own food

Sep 17 at 05:22 PM

I agree with this. Don’t worry I’ve started a big thing over in the UK called Belief coding… it changes internal belief systems and trauma. Once qualified I’ll be helping as many people as I possibly can for free

Apr 30 at 04:09 PM

Maybe the moon is a collective ideal rather than a place and it’s to do with the vibration of the planet at present? It could all change at any moment once we all reach that level of consciousness 🤷🏻‍♀️ who knows 😝


Commented on post was deleted

Apr 28 at 09:20 AM

No offence but your not seeing the point of a victimhood contiousness. Judging and pointing fingers is victim behaviour. Until we stop seeing them as the cause we will continue in this state. We all have a part to play in what’s going on. We all allowed the government in our countries to do what they have done. You have to start taking risks and not be scared to loose anything. I’ve had corruption from children’s services and even after me reading the human rights to them they still laughed at me. Until YOU say NO! No one is coming to save us you have to save yourself. I’m not judging you I’m just saying I’m fighting the same war as you and pointing fingers and judging will keep us divided and in a state of fear.

Apr 25 at 11:35 AM

I am a Pisces and that’s why I love you so much 🤣🫣

Apr 25 at 11:32 AM



Apr 25 at 11:31 AM

I’m very into geometry. I know the basics but would love to know more!

Apr 25 at 11:29 AM

Love this so much 🤣🤣


Commented on Absolutely ❤😂❤

Apr 25 at 11:28 AM

This 💀🤣


Apr 25 at 11:26 AM

Do you do these events in the UK?