Brittany calton

Mar 31 at 09:51 PM

Daddy Dragon the halls of amenti is one of 5 smaller spheres that came from the sphere of amenti and it's a portal stargate

Mar 30 at 07:27 PM

No that's all bullshit Thoth was part of emerald covenant hence emerald tablet but of course like everything else Thoth twisted it for the fallen ones that run this matrix. Im apart of the emerald covenant I'm not trying get anyone to believe me in what I'm saying IDC either way I'm just here to help people use discernment more because the deception we have been sold out entire lives goes back much further than u think. Look up ashayanna dean videos YouTube read books Voyagers 1 and 2. Also learn true teachings of emerald covenant if emerald tablets interested you. That's the true ascension teachings keylontic science the law of one bio regenisis of your DNA template I gave you the information u do with the knowledge what u wish. Much 🩶💛🧡🩷🩷♥️🩵💙❤️💜🤎🖤💚🌈

Mar 29 at 05:48 AM

Yes they are lookup emerald order teachings explains alot