Carolann Smith

Replied on DISCLOSURE 4

Jun 06 at 03:56 AM

I believe this does happen and other things as well I'm sorry you are having to deal with this I wish I had good advice but I couldn't help my husband who is now supposedly dead but I'm not sure that is true even. But something happened to him when he went into prison after about 18 months in, my husband was gone his body was there I would talk to him but he had no recollection of our life together not even memories of our children he only has memories of his mother and childhood I don't think they were actual memories though I think who ever took over his body was only given that information. Because when he was arrested the federal agents did not know we were married and at that point we had been married for almost 10 years. But we had been very close friends for over 20 years. I believe something was done to him in there and possibly even prior to that but somehow he was off their(whoever they are?) radar and they sort of picked up maybe where they left off before our marriage. When he got out he did not return home. But later he contacted me about 18 months after he got out of prison. We had began talking every day for a few months and he began having a interest in what the kids were doing. We decided to meet and two days before that he was supposedly found dead in a motel room about a hundred miles from my home. But here's what was even more crazy I was never notified I was concerned because I couldn't reach him his mother would not take or return my calls. But I found out from social security of all things. I contacted the state the funeral home nobody would tell me anything called me a liar threatened me all kinds of crazy. So I do know these types of things do happen. I know that person who I talked to after 18 months in there was not the person I knew that person did not know me or our family at all. My husband knew everything and would never not come home. My kids swear he is not dead as for me I have no clue where he went.