
Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 02 at 01:52 PM

If after or during an infection or vaccination most of us have covid antigenes, and we pee them out, isnt it logical that a covid antigene rapid test is positive too, are there any experts in that here to clarify?

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 02 at 11:29 AM

Did you really delete my post where I asked to check out on the you tube video " Is covid actually snake venom? By peak prosperity? If you did you are not better than the media telling lies and misinformation. I am really disappointed, I thought this was a honest platform where open unbiased discussions are possible and also people are heared that do not 100% support what is said here, especially if they have valid and well researched arguments....

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 02 at 11:16 AM

If you are a smoker more nicotine wont help you more I guess, you will only intoxicate you...


Please all watch on youtube: Is covid actually snake venom? By Peak Prosperity. This guy seems to be debunking some theories by Dr. Ardis quite mindfully, logically and well explained! I dont know what to believe. I thought if it is triggered by TLS it should have some truth, I am confused! Jason, can you also interview this Dr. to have another well researched opinion on this topic? Thank you a lot!

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 01:10 PM

Yes listen to your intuition is the best you can do...


Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 01:08 PM

They are doing these tests in Germany since one year, but they dont announce them, so you in the US are lucky...

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 01:04 PM

So the purpose of the pandemic could only be to prevent us from mass awakening, but actually the opposite was the case... so either they failed their mission or the worst is still to come. The only plausible reason would be that they put something in the vaccine that will make it harder for humanity to finally take their power back and see the truth. I hope Jason and TLS could come up with some clear answers.


Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 12:53 PM

I am wondering who "they" are. I dont think it is the government, the people with real power are those acting behind the scenes, the so called elite...


Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 12:05 PM

Snake venom proteins I can resonate with but I dont really buy into the tap water theory, and why should all the governments of the world cooperate and have the same agenda, what are their benefit in killing us all or at least some of us? What is their agenda? Can somebody come up with a plausible answer?

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 06:38 AM

Where can we find all the evidence and studies to read for ourselves please?