
Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 05 at 02:01 PM

Great, and do you notice any results so far?

Is the frequency technology the EES?

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 03 at 11:08 AM

You mean peak prosperity? I think he has some very valid arguments...i thought that they had deleted my post on this here but maybe I did not manage to load it up in the first place..


Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 03 at 11:05 AM

Because you cannot test with water at al you will get negstive or positive, but if will always be a false results apparently, if you dont use the buffer solution. But maybe is an option to put only a droplet of water in the buffer solution? I havent got a clue, but is too easy to say tap water test positive therefore there must be covid there, no because first is an covid antigene test and not a covid virus test and second because you will get false results anyway...

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 02 at 03:00 PM

Very interesting, must watch, we should bring Dr. Ardis an him together to discuss, who actually is right...

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 02 at 02:51 PM

I know that the covid virus can only survive in cold water for a longer period, the colder the longer and it will not survive in warm water, hard water and soap water. So I doubt that it can survive long enough in waistwater ...but who knows.

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 02 at 02:04 PM

I just found out that using any other liquid than the buffer liquid supplied with the tests will mess up the results, because you change the PH of the test strips. Means you cannot rapid test for Covid antigenes with tap water and expect to get true results. Watch this