bee Maakadebin

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Nov 08 at 11:35 PM


Nov 08 at 10:50 PM

Yet seems to not matter to #UnifydTv

Nov 08 at 10:49 PM

Must be nice to pay for 20$+ plus subscription.... when they are supposed to infrom the public... we just have to pay for knowledge like everything else in this world... I truly believe in what this app says but to pay for knowledge we are supposed to know to awaken the world with this knowledge won’t get far if humans have to pay for it when we can barely afford food with the inflation

Nov 08 at 10:45 PM

A lot of poor people are into this.. bu have no access

Nov 08 at 10:44 PM

A lot of this world won’t know cuz it’s a paid for subscription like everything else.... they don’t want the world to know if people have to pay for information

Nov 08 at 10:42 PM

Just saying.....

Nov 08 at 10:40 PM

Don’t get me wrong... I am a believer. But this pricing is ridiculous.... especially for most people in the world ... we’re lucky to even just get a month

Nov 08 at 10:39 PM

Just like that this app that’s suppose to *be providing information* for the **public**. But yet they ask for a lot of money for the common poor ones here in the world that can’t pay for this this so call information that’s SUPPOSE to help human kind but we have to pay for it... most of us don’t have high paying jobs to pay for us to open our mind... and you say you want to wake people but yet like everything it’ll still come as a price so who are you helping ...yourself... or human kind? Cuz most people couldn’t pay this if they wanted to because our families needs come first .. and were left with paying for information

Oct 31 at 02:56 AM

Why is the subscriptions so much... not every one can afford that and they want us to awaken?

Jul 30 at 11:36 PM

I can only access disclosure and thrive even tho I paid for my month. It says I already own it trying to access videos :(