bee Maakadebin

Nov 12 at 11:21 PM

I’d accept links if possible to see if I can get to them.

Nov 12 at 11:15 PM

Believe me I’ve tried.... I love what they are saying... I’m a believer that wants to see more but can’t... no matter which way I try... and YouTube that I get only presents me with trailers and I pay for you tube for my children’s songs

Nov 12 at 11:11 PM

Helene Mackay. I’ve tried and every server I try doesn’t support his website.... I wouldn’t be complaining otherwise, Canada is the country, and can’t accept or it could be my iPad... idk I just can’t get it from all angels except here

Nov 10 at 11:06 PM

And Suzy you say “that’s a victim mentality. As an awakened person.” Energy doesn’t create our own reality when you’re light was darken when you where a child by trauma like the kids in the disclosure.. you think their energy makes their reality?... even victims of their own person family... those people don’t have so much options because their past follows were ever they go. Which can friggin lead to bad life choices of not feeling worthy. So people like that don’t have much hope. Like another race in history tried to be wiped may tribes of this planet. And sadly to say the christians failed because as a people regardless of another race we help one another. Because that’s what our ancestors taught us. So please don’t go all holy. For some of us it’s almost like fate but we standing and rising

Nov 10 at 10:42 PM

And by the way in the time of a war and a fake crisis that our eaders have brought to many countries we can’t afford to lose hope. Who knows if these guys their talking about will be dicks n stop parts of the internet or a sign of hope. More people that hear this the better. Just saying. I’d hate to lose hope because I couldn’t pay....... an this series isn’t the only one I’m taking about. This is such help for human kind and why not make it accessible in any way possible (like CDs Tapes etc) before it can get stopped by someone.

Nov 10 at 10:34 PM

Did I ever say free.. no but they could lower the price for the ones who are interested n for future potential in this app because this is beyond great content. But why take this out of ones who don’t have luxury. Let alone good clean water cause not everyone in the states or Canada has that yet for everyone in their own country

This energy you are talking about Suzy should come from a good place and peace, and more importantly to help one another. More people know about them then yes people will want to know more about them which can lead to great things like those people creating programs which they can make profit off of. But if they want to be rich off this.. how is anyone supposed to be able to access this so more of us can believe it. They could open more minds for their own field or do they want to be the only ones. I am a native Ojibway person And want people to respect this earth more then ever. This helps that in so many ways and our culture is about spiritual ways

Nov 10 at 10:09 AM

I heard I’m loud and clear also. I believe in what he has to say. Could at least make it payable for everyone instead of the just rich that can afford literally everything in the world.

Commented on The Great Awakening

Nov 08 at 11:53 PM

Can’t be too Important and great for the world if every individual has to pay for it in a world crisis for fucking food of all things

Commented on The Marfa Lights

Nov 08 at 11:51 PM

Never can make it accessible for the public tho... why?


Nov 08 at 11:41 PM

Fair enough