Cindy Perrin / Niiwin noodinoon ikwe

Parry Sound, Canada

Sep 29 at 11:12 AM


Sep 29 at 10:02 AM

i agree it would be interesting to know what that red line is 

Sep 29 at 09:52 AM

Shevauni think if she was at Peace when she left as she must have been because she made her own choices ..for me i know that my father is just in another place being productive as was his way  and i am sure yor mother is ..Ray did say that sometimes people go there for only moments .. my father told me that when people grieve to much it can  cause them distress  .. sending her love and gratitude for the life they gave u will enhance your connection even if they are in another place 🤍

Sep 29 at 09:42 AM

im not sure about what Jason said about taking a pill before being shot in a wars as being a pass ..if u are saying we are ment to experience what ever it is that we are faced with how is that different because its war ? Also my father committed suicide .. he did not want to be a burden  ..this is an Icelandic old custom which he was ..  i see my father all the time he suggested that i study crystals ..he came to me and said that i need to do work on my Sacral Chakra and poured the most beautiful orange start dust into my Sacral Chakra ..he took me to Orion's belt  to  Mintaka where he showed me Runes of a home that was once mine .. idk perhaps he was the  .9% idk ..i think it is a matter of choice ..i think my father was content to know he was unburdening his family ..i know for a fact my father is emersed in the energies of the earth .. the things he shows me are miraculous and Profound   he guides me through difficulties and shows me my potential  and directs me towards it

Sep 28 at 11:14 AM

completion is HUGE ..believing that a person or country is superior is  100% social and mental manipulation and keeps people at odds  and war ..just a question here Jason this is an issue that disturbs me about Abraham saying there is a chosen people ..perhaps his words where also twisted by the dark agenda idk is actually a reason i have great difficulty with religions that stem from Abraham there is more than a suggestion of superiority which is very very dangerous as Jordan suggests about Competition ..there would not be competition if it was clearly understood that we are all equals we are on a journey as u say back to the light  

Sep 28 at 11:02 AM

i agree this is a great topic i ..i have Herd it has something to do with Physics as well but i cant remember where i herd this there is a scientific angle to it as well as spiritual ..idk maybe Nassim Haramein has the Answer 


Sep 28 at 10:58 AM

i sing mantras with my mediation and yoga practice most of which is Black Tara White Tara mantra and Medicine buddha mantra ..words are indeed powerful  

Sep 28 at 10:54 AM

i love this because its practical everyone can learn to meditate and do yoga ..even simple yoga which is what i do doesn't have to be complex  yoga deep breathing and simple stretches that promote grounding and balance ..thank u Jason for all that u share 


Aug 24 at 04:43 PM

that was really well put together mush of the info out there is just repeated and repeated the same thing on all the plate forms 

..i hope the whole truth comes out soon as mentioned ..before the 2024 election  we dont need more illusion and they seem to be running rapid  

Aug 11 at 06:59 PM
