Cindy Perrin / Niiwin noodinoon ikwe

Parry Sound, Canada

Mar 29 at 11:25 PM

That is so beautiful to see and share your blessings ..Vajrasattva practic is a beautiful clearing practic  ...


Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Jan 24 at 08:37 PM

Rebekah Norrishating trump  feeds the dark ones not a fan but not gonna hate him  ..he is clearly a man with a huge ego nothing spiritual about that .. the world needs a spirtual leader  ..we dont need to make America great to feed more ego ..we need justise  especially for the children <3


Jan 18 at 05:49 PM

You know Jason when people can except that they can make mistakes and its ok thats very healthy perspective  ... its a journey to uncover the truth and usually we all do our best and i definatly think u do 🫶


Jan 15 at 02:40 PM

Yes id am also interested kinds left me hanging!


Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Jan 10 at 07:27 PM

If Ray does not want his book publushed and tls does so anyway isnt that interfering with his free will?? and disrepectful ( no offence ment l

I agree with Ray about the Deli Lama except maybe the reincarnation thing. I also agree that we can bring an end to the curption without tip toeing around them ... when Jupiter conjunct Uranas in spring of 2024 this will have a very big effect on global finances and 2026 Neptune conjunct Satrun at 0 degrees Aries very very signifagent pertaining to a New beginning ..this has not happened in 6000 years and the deception will be by then disclosed the questìon is how many will be able to see past the illustions ... MEDITATION THIS WILL GIVE  SIGHTS REQUIRED  and really its not that difficult  !!! <3

I also think if everyone practuced meditation and yoga ( i dont mean complecated yoga i mean simple yoga )  dayly this is a huge part of the solution  ... 

Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Jan 10 at 04:52 PM

I didnt find this interesting at all sorry! Jason i have been  a sceptic ..i have seen your astrology it is out standing and posibly one of the most profound charts i have seen ..if it is indeed your correct bd info which i got on line so it could have been planted .. there is something that does not feel right to me with tls ..i could be wrong i am ok with that because its all a learning prosses about truth. Nassiem i trust more than anyone in the truth community and he worked with u so this matters. 

If i am wrong about u i would be happy to apologize some day ..i just am not convinced as of yet .. i hope with all of my soul that the astrology i have is your true bd info because if it is your potential in the truth comminity is out standing ..if u are using your gifts for the good of all senient beings your mark will be signifigant indeed

Replied on DISCLOSURE 5

Jan 10 at 04:23 PM

If she lives in US why wouldnt she speak English
