
Plaistow, NH, United States

Jan 31 at 08:33 PM

There are no homeless dogs or cats left in Palestine. How do I say this. The people are starving to death. I saw that on Redacted recently. So I am glad these animals will find a safe place here.

Commented on The Time Is Now

Dec 01 at 09:24 PM

Maya Kowalski just won 261M against John Hopkins. I for 1 would like momentum now on lawsuits by nurses and doctors. Taking their cash and getting legislature to take action. Her case was not covid related but the jury sensitivity is now apparent on hospital overreach. Let's move to phase 2.

Commented on The Time Is Now

Dec 01 at 02:31 PM

Why are we recapping this again. First of all its upsetting to hear what we have already processed. I don't get it. I could feel my blood pressure rising. Sorry don't want to recap this. We know it was all BS. We know the doctors who fought against the politics of the jab should be given a metal of good communication and reinstated with compensation. This should be for free. People on unify already are aware.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

Oct 24 at 02:36 PM

I wonder if it could have been done at a "hospital" in NYC in 2021.  If you could have changed what the doctors and nurses or even the administrators or share holders of the hospital's perception of that the methods they were using were not good.  Did you?

Oct 17 at 04:11 PM

There is alot to decipher in the Pyramid Codes.  So Shet Amram Rabbi - acquired #13 if you add up all their life times.  So that's Love.  Prolly a final lifetime.  

Oct 17 at 01:26 PM

Ray you give credit to Adam in your dream in 2010, and i feel something is about to change for me with dreams i have had.  These two the last two weeks i will share.   After reading my dream, if you can please look at my picture and tell me if you see anything significant.  You will see Pain, no worries, i seriously am so strong now.  LOL (embarrassing) But maybe there's something there from a distant lifetime.    A couple of weeks ago I was about to travel on a plane and the night before, God reached his hand down to me, his hand was a lightening bolt, and it came at me and touched me and swooped back up very fast but i knew it as his hand.  Last night, i  dreamt of 4 quadrants, i kept trying to simultaneously make particles disappear in all 4 at the same time.  A huge Pharoah looking man 16 feet tall, came into one quadrant and i quickly made all quadrants disappeared.  (It startled me enough to remove all quadrants at once) Anything there or should i keep my day job? 

Oct 11 at 12:07 PM

I want to say Jason, i was tough on your with Burning Man.  It's important that you know this is not a judgement, it is because we are all connected.  If we want to save children, there are certain things that break down society.  If we want to bring love into a dark world, it's imperative when you do something like this, you cannot hide behind EES.  You said you have been going since 2019.  Fine, but now that you know what you know, can't you see that it's not just an artistic place.  It's dark energy, and that affects all of us, again, we are all connected.  You don't owe me anything, it's you that needs to unravel this for yourself.  I don't want the love energy to sever your connection, it's really important for you to explain why your lifetimes compel you to continue to practice a dark energy.  We all need to do this, me, you, the guy in prison.  Self reflection is key.  I am not a guru, i am a baby in this movement, but this is just my opinion i feel is important as a collective.

Oct 11 at 11:52 AM

It's my belief Jesus went to India from 13-30.  I believe that Christ is within us.  The Chakras.  It doesn't come out and say it in the Bible but "love" is the uniting force, but it's working on yourself.  Take the Qur'an for instance, it is a beautiful religion, and offers  common sense and the same with the Torah, but we keep separating out one factor in each to make each the most important.  I am Christian and I believe in Jesus, it's imbedded in my roots, like all religions.  My problem with all religions is that once you discount all other religions, you stop your growth and love cannot grow.  The problem is the Elite, they created this division.  If i say Israel should not have been created, people love to jump on that and say "anti-semitism" and that is hate.  I believe if we believe in the divine, we all have each religion in each of us including Judaism.   When you choose to support things that do support love and order and character to do what is right,  great. 

Aug 21 at 05:14 PM

I started going to do sessions with the EE system, and let me tell you it helps.  Yes you have work on yourself, but anger itself is not a factor for not ascending.  The EE system heals right left side of the brain, balancing it out.  When you are angry, try to just sit and think that you just got here on planet earth.  No past No future, Just present with all your gifts spend time looking around.    It gives your brain a minutes to not be able to think about anything, including anger or past hurts and let feelings just go up up up and out of your body.


Aug 21 at 04:53 PM

I remember at 5 first year on the bus, a boy who was challenged was always being picked on, and i went home one day and carved his name in my parents dining room chair.  My aunt was living with us and made me spend 2 hours kneeling on rice poured on the floor.  Another time at 9yrs a girl was pushing another girl on the bus and i said hey stop picking on her, and got the crap beat out of me.  I ended up being best friends with that brut, and 50 years later, we are still best friends, and I think i have had a positive effect on her too.  But I was always an outsider.  It's hard to feel others emotions, and i am a magnet for people wanted to "talk".  I ended up being the listener my whole life., which i really had to stop doing.  I descended into being alone alot to this day.  I cannot handle the negative energy.