
Sep 29 at 10:51 PM

He did have powers but his name wasn’t Jesus. The letter J didn’t even exist until 1600. If people would go study the tablets and books that the Bible and all the main religions are based from instead of just blindly following a book that clearly leaves you more confused than gives answers you would see where we come from and why the Bible is confusing and what lies were put in by men. Go read about the Emersld Tablets of Thot, The book of Enoch (which was left out of the Bible. There’s several other books but this is a good start and the tablets of Thot will open your eyes for you to see how the stories in the Bible are just stories. You will see though where the stories came from but find the truth within these writings.


Sep 29 at 10:34 PM

I’d love to be a part of this group and help humanity. However I guess there’s no place to put in an application for such position 😂 if there was I’d have applied a long time ago.  I’ve known a lot of these things for a while. Just not to the extent Ray does. I’m sick of sitting on the sidelines listening to everyone talk about we need to make a change but nobody makes any moves. And if you try to post anything that has to do with any of these things or about trying to change things it’s just hidden.  I want to actually make the moves to change things. But I know I need powerful people behind me to do so. People who know what we’re up against and how to make the change without being detected. I know that I came here to help. I’ve said this for as long as I can remember. It’s only in the past year that I realize in what way.  I just lack the 💵 and power I need to make the moves necessary.