Kimberly Rendo

Fieldale, VA, United States

Replied on True Service

Aug 28 at 12:19 AM


True! Find your way and let God guide you and all his helpers!


Commented on True Service

Aug 22 at 12:24 AM

I'm guiding myself through research and I'm just instinctly clicking on subjects like light workers, healers, ether energy, and starseeds and so much more. I started on this platform and use things like Google, Facebook groups, you tube, rumble, and certain auditable books. Just use your inner feelings, that voice that's always right, and you will guide yourself to all the answers! Always use discernment but The Sorce lives in you it is your teacher and all the answers are inside you! Let you guide you! Meditate, it helps but don't get too lost in it! Much love and light to you!🥰

Aug 22 at 12:13 AM


I'm from Martinsville,Virginia so I'm close! I'm a human and soul being who's never felt the same as the masses and never thought about God in the same way as my Christian family. I felt severely lost and depressed all my teenagers years dressing in dark close and famous for my high school artwork. I'm 48 years old now and always believed in these things on this platform but I never had a voice or a family like this before. The past 3 months I woke up completely by watching Disclosures first , and then many other shows on this site. I was in a coma for 2 months last year due to a bacterial infection ( not Covid) and I now know my purpose and what's out there !! I had a 40% chance of survival and died multiple times while I was in the coma! I'm here to say it's absolutely beautiful and these ideas and truths talked about here are absolutely on point! I heal throught touch, conversation, and am learning about energy healing. Everyone says my light shines so bright and i glow now!


Commented on Hello Everyone ✨💞

Aug 21 at 08:17 AM

Welcome! Love and light to you!

I watched this and felt your pain so intensely I started shaking and crying uncontrollably. I saw what you saw and felt what you felt. Thats one of my gifts. Saying I'm sorry just doesn't sound good enough. You don't deserve this none of you. This is very wrong and could happen to any of us anywhere on the planet with a touch of a button. Evil most be stopped. We need to all pick a time and of day and send our love to Maui. Enough vibrations of it will heal that place I know it! We need to make everyone on the planet aware of this injustice! But most importantly we need to send our LOVE LIGHT AND STRENGTH TO EVERYONE THERE!!! OUR VIBTATIONS CAN REACH ALL OVER THE UNIVERSE WE CAN DO THIS! I LOVE EVERYONE OF YOU AND SEND YOU EVERY BIT OF THE UNIVERSES ENERGY TO ALL OF YOU!! MAY YOU FIND PEACE AND REBUILD AND EXSPOSE THE EVIL THAT HAPPENED TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL HOME!🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Commented on Things to Know…..

Aug 21 at 08:01 AM

Thank you! I feel like I've found my family on this site! I've been awake 2 months now but always been semi awake most of my life and new I helped people. Love and light to you!

Commented on Things to Know…..

Aug 20 at 07:34 PM

I love this! Music is my background always in my life..I have to have my stereo and Bluetooth connected so I can hear any song at any time. I play music as to how I'm feeling in that moment. And it speaks to everybody else and resonant. I really didn't know what I was doing all this time besides playing how I felt I didn't think I was engaging everyone else in my life lessons through music..but I did. They identified with it and learned how to feel per evert situation that occurred. Now that I know my calling and can use energy to touch and heal and through music can also guide and heal I know how to reach certain people. I'm learning as I go. Theres no manual or instructions to this you just know. Its pretty amazing! I still wish I had some direction with my awakening. Im just looking up stuff, researching things, trying stuff that's new, and gaining knowledge upon knowledge as I go. Love and beautiful peace and energy and light to you!

Replied on I'm AWAKE!!

Aug 04 at 12:42 PM

Yes I agree. I'm just listening to the vibrations of the universe through meditation and I'm learning about crystal healing. Its very interesting. I'm a born healer and really didn't know what I was doing just knew I effected people in a positive way when I talked to them and touched them with my hands. Now the crystals Amp what I naturally gave and its really amazing to combine mind body spirit and crystal together to help someone. Truely amazing. I feel uplifted. Gentle pushes yes or just touches...

Replied on I'm AWAKE!!

Aug 04 at 12:38 PM

Yes. Im better now. I'm just learning meditation, self healing, I've opened my third eye, and nothing is the same to me. My biggest struggle and irritation is playing the pawn in the matrix knowing what I know now. I mean I still have to pay bills, and manage money. I want to scream at everyone Wake up this is not how it has to be! But everyone has there own path. I can share my thoughts on social media and attach clips of the shows I'm watching but I just want to broadcast it on national TV and have the sheep listen and blow there minds but sadly some will drop dead and others will lose there grip on there religion faith and reality so deeply they will go insane. So I just stay on my phone for now observing and watching...waiting...
