Sarah Hamel

Replied on Energy system

Jul 28 at 11:28 AM

Laura Hatfield I’m glad there is a healing system in Indianapolis for you!! Happy healing 🙏🏼😊✨💝

Replied on Energy system

Jul 28 at 11:26 AM

Laura Hatfield ahhh that’s too bad they do that. Hmm and then they make it so you can only charge a certain amount per session as well. So make sense that not everyone that buys the EE System are able to afford to be part of the Unifyed Healing network. Those things are expensive!

Jul 28 at 11:23 AM

I agree with you on that. Blessings you each of us 🥰 we are all connected. All one in the same but separate/individual. I believe we all have a piece of god inside us, part of our souls


Commented on Energy system

Jul 28 at 11:07 AM

Search “Unifyd Healing” and scroll through the list of centres.

Jul 27 at 10:36 AM

It’s my pleasure.

Hmm what a wonderful photo you shared 😊☺️

Commented on I'm AWAKE!!

Jul 25 at 11:47 AM

I didn’t have the same reaction as yourself. Mine was different but some the same. I felt the AHA moment. Realizing what I felt and believed in was true as well. When Ray talked I wasn’t surprised with a lot of the things he said. It was things I already KNEW and him saying them was a confermation that I was on the right path with my believes and how I want to live. Even with how Jason talks and the topics he brings up. At most I felt happy and relieved. While watching no weird body feelings.

If you have social media, and you follow the Unifyd world and Jason Shurka on social media, you can share their content on your stories. Like clips of the disclosure series. This is how we spread awareness to our peers . Gentle pushes.

Commented on Unifyd Social

Jul 25 at 11:32 AM

I was notified by someone that the Unifyd Social App was indeed discontinued. And this is the new socal platform. 😊


I would love it if you had people on here that taught how to do food forests and gardens for supporting a homesteading life in different parts of the world.

Interviewing people that forage for food. Episodes of identifying different edible plants and how to use them. Even plants that help treat colds, headaches, rashes…etc and how to prep that for that.

Interview people that will teach us how to properly can/jar…preserve our food.

Learning these skills are important, especially in these times.

Yes this!!!

I’ve chatted with Eli through email a bunch and concur, Eli is a wonderful human 🥰 very kind and sweet! I’m looking forward to going to her centre.

Oh I see! Thank you for letting me know! I have been trying to get into it the last few days and haven’t been able. Makes a lot of sense. It’s really too bad the scammers had to ruin that app for us. It’s nice the Unifyd team was able to add the social part into here for us 🥰

Thank you Patti!! Let there be lots of healing and love be in your future! Best to you as well😊
