Michele Herman

Commented on Divine Intervention

Apr 26 at 04:00 AM

I've gotten healthier just by stopping watching main stream news


Commented on Divine Intervention

Apr 26 at 03:35 AM

The first Adam is not God for one you need a woman to create Man and one thing I have wrong with jewish religion is that only man hears the story down a row of hundred no women I find that to be evil the worse kind God is everything female first and foremost or man would have never been created where the snake comes is I think is God is both male and female that don't tell you this but their are case of a baby having both so a Virginia birth really comes from if you ask me that child growing up having its own baby! People like that now days would be forced to choose what the parent wants and that is how so many people have become confused. A woman is born with a uterus most yes are but she also has a small penis and who is to say the ones built with both internal womb and whole male genital area can't conceive their own children without a man. Yes history has hidden this fact but Truth is Truth there are cases of this.

Commented on Divine Intervention

Apr 26 at 02:40 AM

This is why I just meditate and join my self with nature and forget about everything else around me but I do know that's why they are going after homeless people now not allowing them.to camp on land that is and never should be owned by anyone and until.some real lawyers actually really take on that and go after these people who settled American and stole native land I'm native American is my ancestors Navajo and Cherokee also Jewish dad side by blood drawl tested we never knew his dad from Yugoslavia

Commented on Divine Intervention

Apr 26 at 02:37 AM

So how do we know you aren't entities that are not Devine and our trying to harm our reality as well

Commented on Divine Intervention

Apr 26 at 02:29 AM

More masks do not work, the n 95 mask was the only mask that worked

Commented on Divine Intervention

Apr 26 at 02:27 AM

Well nothing is dying, the earth knows how to protect itself, and they will never rip through it now.if they could say go through those black holes in the sun I think it will take you to the other side say heavan or God side,I think the sun is actually the onlY real thing that hasn't been put into the computer of our reality existence

Apr 26 at 02:24 AM

Why can't I watch re run


Apr 26 at 02:22 AM

Yes, my friend had an old outdoor camera with type of night vision you could see entities and reg like people silhouettes standing there like if it was me and when you can tell me my hair is long and maybe I was wearing a skirt or something but they were just standing there like they couldn't see what was going on around them and the other entities were moving looking like they were dropping things out of there like if giving birth to something weird s*** and I thought my friend was full with it and had some kind of app on it but no because I had it sent to my phone as if it my phone was connected to that camera and it was doing the same thing and I knew I didn't have anything on my phone I mean it's just crazy you can still go there to this day and it's happening right in his backyard it's nuts on the other side of the realm, so I take that as it's a shadow of our conscious or are soul that stay living on here. But the human looking entity wasn't moving almost just standing still.

Apr 26 at 02:16 AM

I honestly have ways thought this President Clinton, is my cousin, but his wife runs that as you know her family are trillion Aires, not billionaire they say T for trillion. My mothers maiden name is Clinton and Bill's step father was my blood family. Of course I've never met him, my great grandpa "Buddy" Clinton grew up.in Arkansas that was his family and my grat grandmother Beulah Josephine Thrash Clinton married him. THEY VISITED THERE OFTEN. WHILE alive. I was molested by my uncle at 7 a Clinton, my mother brother, and Iam 47 now. By no means am I saying anything about anyone else whom may have been harmed by the Clinton secrets. But I was, and I'm writing a book about what happened to me and how the secrets were the worst part of it. My Grandparents wanted me to meet with my uncle just couple years ago, without.saying more... you will have to wait for.the book. I've decided to wait until my Grandpa is gone atleast. I'm waiting until grandpa is at peace.

Apr 25 at 07:04 AM

They found a different civilization that knew his name
