Joi Montrief

Lake Forest, CA, United States

OperationQ I understand. Sorry I gave you the impression that I’m dismissing it. I’m not. Just playing devil’s advocate looking for possible other explanations. I don’t watch the news.


OperationQ I didn’t say it was the original PDF. Typos happen multiple times! It’s natural human error and in the legal field, which I have over 15 year’s experience in, it happens so much because people move too fast and even if a document is checked several times by quality control, mistakes like this are missed all the time. The fact is that the plaintiff is RFK, Jr. not JFK, Jr. and there isn’t an “et al” next to Robert’s name listing multiple plaintiffs. It’s a typo probably for the mere fact that thinking about a Kennedy running for President brings up memories of JFK. Just my two cents.