Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Apr 13 at 09:52 PM

I'm not into politics. All it does is divide everyone &that's something I don't like. I also,don't like that there's these " family names". That control everything! Especially in the most disgusting &hellish ways. No1 should have that right to control humanity. All the beautiful things that once were, are being demolished and replaced, having the schools teaching these things to the kids. Brainwashing is the word for it! Just like the schools putting things in the minds of 5,6,7 year olds about their gender. It's like they're purposely putting these illusions in their minds.

My kids didn't know about race until highschool. Everyone was equal. Race wasn't something they talked about. Nor did we put any negative thoughts in their minds. But, once in Highschool it started. So, think about that for a minute and let it marinate a bit.

Everyone bleeds red. Everyone is equal no matter what. Politics, race and religion are what's keeping every1 divided. Meditate wakeup!


Replied on DISCLOSURE 6

Apr 13 at 09:20 PM

I've asked that same question. But you have to be picked. They've would of already had sights on you for a while.


Replied on So true.

Apr 09 at 04:28 PM

Thanks. It's great talking to people that understand me. At times I just think I'm losing It.

What's with Everytime I check the clock it's 11:11 bc it's everywhere?

Commented on So true.

Apr 01 at 07:55 PM

Ain't that the truth. Everyone looks at me weird when I mention certain things. When I'm in public. I get anxiety. It feels like everyone is looking at me. I have trust issues with EVERYONE!!

ALSO, the dreams are the same. I've found myself knowing how I can fall asleep to go to " another detention". Or " future"? IDK it's hard to describe. It also, sees like I can't even get a momenta peace and can't meditate right. Something is always stopping me.

I feel like I can feel the world's emotions. When people don't feel good or has aches and pains. They stay near me. Believe me I feel it. There's moment when I can feel something attached to my back. Making my back hurts so much. I feel like I absorb some of the pain for some.

Lots of crazy things I can't rap my head around.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

Jan 02 at 09:35 PM

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