Christy Overton


Dec 22 at 10:31 PM

Friends and family, I need help. My 24 year old son has been battling addiction for several years now and was successful in quitting heroin and fentanol but as a replacement turned to basically overdosing on immodium to get high. He ended up going into cardiac arrest August 3 2023. He coded 4 times and had his heart shocked 9 more times in order to keep from coding again. He barely survived the incident. He had a stroke and an anoxic brain injury due to lack of oxygen. We spent a month and a half at the hospital trying to recover and had extensive therapies before being discharged Sept 9 th. We had noidea what caused the episode until he admitted to me that immodium was the cause. He also admitted to me that he has begun using it again. Is there any homeopathic help for easing withdrawal symptoms and help with adhd and bipolar depression? He asked for help knowing this can kill him. I don't yet have the knowledge of holistic medicines that will help him. We have no money yet to pay for assistance but I know God will provide whatever we need. I am thankful in advance for advice, prayers, and any light shared in our direction. I posted this here because here I know there are like minded, loving souls willing to share the wisdom of God's remedies. Oh and he also was forced into being vaccinated against my wishes 2 years ago. Source help me and guide me and my son. Help us navigate this trial. I thank God for this in faith that all things are for our benefit whether we have the understanding yet or not.