patrick sexson

Nov 13 at 09:39 PM

I'm not even sure how to go about talking with a TLS agent. I would love to help transform the earth. I need to be part of this but with the proper guidance.

Nov 13 at 09:37 PM

I mainly just want to learn. I already have worked in intelligence for a long time so the double life is no stranger. I want to see amazing things and help more than I am able to currently. A teacher I suppose is what I need.


Nov 13 at 02:30 PM

Are all members of TLS pre-determined? Is there a process that would allow someone to get TLS leaderships attention in order to be vetted? It's far-fetched in my mind, but a door you don't knock on is never answered. I have everything I need, and very little in life left that I desire; yet I feel out of place and without direction. I believe I have some purpose and it would be really awesome if TLS is part of my purpose.


Nov 12 at 06:47 PM

I wish there was a way to "apply" for the TLS.  Lots of people here including myself could possibly make a positive difference.