(Sa) Ra H Jennifer Reyes

Commented on THRIVE 1 & 2

Aug 25 at 03:52 PM

This is phenomenal! I’ve shared these videos with my friends and I’m sharing it on social media platforms…WE NEED TO WAKE Up!!! LOVE IS THE KEY!!!! I was targeted for speaking my truth on social media and being overly trusting I got scammed and put in a financial hole haven’t made my mortgage payment lost every last penny in my bank account but IM REMAINING FAITHFUL ON MY SOUL PATH AND I REFUSE TO FALL BACK INTO THE MATRIX..I’m not scared..I know that the better days are coming! It’s a daily struggle but I want to heal I want to spread the awareness and be a part of this journey with you all….sending so much love and light! 🥹🌈♾️❤️💯🫶🏼🔊🌎

Replied on DISCLOSURE 7

Aug 18 at 09:37 PM

Thank you Ray!!!! So much information to absorb! Age of light! 🥹🫶🏼🕯️🌈🌱

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Aug 18 at 08:20 PM

Well so much for my dream of always wanting to visit Switzerland! It’s beautiful! My inner child was to go roll down the hills!

Commented on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Aug 18 at 07:17 PM

I can’t wait for this!!!! Time to replace the EGO with LOVE!!


Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Aug 16 at 02:44 PM

The song FIRESTONE!!!! “Im from X, your from Y”

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Aug 16 at 02:43 PM

I would love for it to happen sooner!!!! But to know that it will be done for the oncoming generations at least gives me peace! If I can be used as an asset to the cause please use me! I’ve placed my contact information in the previous video comments!!! I’ve made myself open to receiving requests and anything I can help in would greatly honor me!

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Aug 16 at 02:39 PM

PEOPLE ARE READY RAY!!!!! We are here thank you for coming forward!!! You are heard and appreciated more than you know!!! There are more of us that want to awaken! Want a better future for generations to come living by love and light! Be courageous you are protected by the divine spirit and by all our good wishes United towards your energy!!! Never lose faith in humanity!!!!

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 02:31 PM

Skip the email lol here’s my number I have faith that I won’t be attacked by any bad energy by putting it out there…I heard spirit nudge me w/ “your acting in fear” by not putting your contact info out there! 512-438-9515. THIS IS FOR ANYONE ON HERE THAT SEES THIS NUMBER AND RESONATES WITH MY ENERGY AND WANTS TO GROW MORE SPIRITUALLY…I AM HERE..YOU ARE NOT ALONE..there’s a place for Golden hearts in this world and it’s Together we win this war of hate!!! 🥹💚🫶🏼 Much love and light!


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 02:27 PM

Woww that’s incredible I can’t wait to hear more about that story and more of what you’re lived and learned from I can definitely relate to the “being disappointed” feeling of living instead of dying. I used to be in so much physical and psychological pain from the car accident that I didn’t want to live and the light I had in me had turned off and everything was dark around me for sooo long…until one day I can’t pinpoint exactly when the flicker came back little by little and now I feel so engulfed with a flame of light and love and a deep desire to spread it to all others who are hurting/ suffering…it’s a huge part of why I work in EMS I want to heal bc I know exactly what it’s like to be alone and hurting reaching out a hand to a cold and unloving world! We HAVE TO BE THE CHANGE we want to see in this world! There is NO ROOM for greed, hatred and violence in our new world! Just like the “never ending story” movie our thoughts create our reality!


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 02:16 PM

I think I’m a healer of some sorts and need to study more about the “Clair’s” ex: clairvoyance
