(Sa) Ra H Jennifer Reyes

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 02:15 PM

Very similar problems and life to be completely honest as far as the powers…we’re still working on that I do believe I have something but I’m still learning in my spiritual journey…what I do have is Resilience. And I can’t wait to hear your life stories as well! But the one thing I know I’m capable of is rising from whatever situation/ setback that comes my way and each time I do I rise with a little more wisdom. I know I’m an old soul and this is not my first reincarnation I’ve lived many lives I just have yet to fully unlock the memories…Dreams are important when you wake up and your still in the theta brain phase write down what you remember…there’s a meaning behind it. You will never dream of something that hasn’t us some way/ form happened before! The song is Matilda by Harry styles…I cry everytime I hear it! It’s beautiful!


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 02:09 PM

Thank you sooo much for speaking up I know it takes courage trust me I know! I’m an only child and have lived a very lonely life myself I have a small group of friends who are my family bc we exchange the same energy of love and support for one another to see one another succeed not in a soley materialistic way but in a cellular level…true happiness and love! When you speak your truth miracles can and will happen it may not be on our time or understanding but if you lead with love and light first things will work out! I look forward to receiving your email! Thank you for exchanging your positive energy with me I’m teary eyed as I write back bc I know I’m finally finding my soul family! Much love!


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 01:52 PM

I never watch the news bc I refuse to soak in any negativity! I connect with those with the same high love frequency and connect and ground with nature on the daily! I don’t care what people think of me! And I’m not afraid of death! I’ve always wanted a family my entire life but have only my elderly mother who I care for…she used to go on and on about angel Michael coming and visiting her and putting the Bible inside her while she was paralyzed. Now I’m finally starting to understand how deeply we’re connected!


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 01:48 PM

I’ve cheated death at least 3 times in this lifetime instances where I KNOW I SHOULDVE DIED. Only once was I seriously injured but the other two times I was left untouched in a sense. Knowing what I know with “logical” explanations/ science there’s no way I should still be here! I know I have a deeper meaning and I know my soul is pure and filled with love….I’m also looking for guidance. I’ve gone within and stopped looking for outside guidance bc that’s exactly how I got scammed most recently. I had almost my last dime taken from me…my bank account is closed and my mortgage company keeps calling bc I haven’t been able to pay my mortgage…yet for some reason I’m not afraid I have faith in my spirit guides, archangels and spirit..my soul knows if I continue to live in love and light I will be attacked but like the pheonix rising…again and again I RISE AGAIN. I’m thankful and humbled to have been selected for something greater and trust that I will be shown the way! Love you all!


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 01:41 PM

The movie Matilda! And the song too!!! I got a huge download from that song that’s how I know this “motherly” urge I have deep within for the children that it’s part of one of my souls mission!

Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 01:32 PM

I know I’m here for a double mission and highly resonate with being a starseed. I protect the earth highly resonate to the ocean and water element!

Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 01:30 PM

Omg we are the Bible’s the starseeds we have the code within us!!

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 01:25 PM

Highly recommend the movie “Pay it forward” I firmly live my life by these terms!!

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 01:22 PM

Hello Max!! It’s so great to meet you and know that on a soul level there are others out there with the same call towards a better future for all lead by love and light! I would absolutely love to connect in person or over the phone and trade information and hopefully grow on this journey together! I’m not sure how to send you a direct message on this platform but here’s my email sjreyes11@gmail.com if you email me I’ll send you my phone number I’d much rather do that than just posting it on here but that applies to anyone else seeking to find a better future for us all my doors are always welcome for the positivity the more we spread this love out to everyone the more strength and louder our voice can be heard for the good of humanity! Much love and light to you all as well!


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Aug 16 at 12:48 PM

The person who initiated my spiritual awakening mentioned the black hole!! No details but the conversation never left me…there was this feeling like he wanted to tell me something that he couldn’t go into details about but the breadcrumbs if you will sunk in and I’ve connected some of the dots