Adam Carlson

Aug 26 at 03:04 AM

These evil ones are like their father Satan.

Aug 26 at 02:44 AM

Bush Jr's wife has the look like she was picked for that role.

Aug 26 at 02:34 AM

The demonic world operates much like the deception in the natural. You see what they want you to see. It's a show.

Commented on Connecting the Dots

Aug 26 at 02:12 AM

So they are using Elons ignorance to sell their AI entrance into our bodies.

Commented on Connecting the Dots

Aug 23 at 02:29 AM

Some people were getting long covid. Their mouth is affected long term.


Commented on Connecting the Dots

Aug 23 at 02:25 AM

Well, I never trusted the tests, but I got a temperature that caused vertigo the same day I lost my taste buds. Within 2 days I was feeling fine, but my taste buds took a couple weeks to be back to 100%. Never happened before.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Aug 20 at 05:30 AM

The first verse in the Bible where God is specifically identified with the pronoun "He" occurs in Genesis 2:4. The verse states, "These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens." In this verse, the Hebrew word used for "the LORD God" is "Yahweh Elohim," which refers to God as "He."


Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Aug 18 at 04:03 AM

Some believe Love is the answer, but ignorantly deny Truth. It is not loving to deny Truth. Many deny the Truth of Jesus Christ, but profess love. In truth, it is incomplete without Christ Jesus. There are false lights and there is the True Light. The Light divides itself from darkness. Truth and Light are one. They cannot be separated. Seek Jesus, and God's the Holy Spirit will reveal Truth to your spirit and you soul will know the Way. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and He isthe LIGHT you seek and God the Holy Spirit will teach your Spirit about Him as you read scripture. Fast and Pray. Seek His face. He longs to be your Good Shepard.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Aug 18 at 03:48 AM

Ignorance and selfishness are obstacles to being united. When Truth is denied, division happens. Division is the result of free will to deny the Truth. The Light will always be separate from darkness. Do not be fooled. You have the freewill to chose Light and the Truth or Lies and the darkness. Division will always be the result. Join the Kingdom of Light. But as it is written, narrow is the way that leads to Life and wide is the path to destruction (rejection of Truth) and there are many that take that path.