Adam Carlson

Commented on Chapter 1 | The Beast

Jan 31 at 04:11 AM

The wisdom of man is foolishness to God


Replied on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Jan 05 at 08:42 AM

Spirituality goes both ways. There is the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of deception. Denying the Spirit of Truth is error. Agreeing with the spirit of deception is a religion of it's own. The spirit of deception has no power over the Spirit of Truth.

The spirit of deception is the spirit of Anti-Christ. Do not align yourself with the spirit of Anti-Christ🙏


Oct 19 at 07:27 PM

People often unknowingly lie to themselves about who they authentically are. Fear unconsciously runs a lot of our mentality without knowing it.

Commented on The Final Word

Oct 19 at 03:29 AM

TLS won't touch the demon subject. Sus.


Oct 18 at 03:05 AM

The thing is with spirits of darkness they can give you new memories. Memories of people of the past because they were there too. It's very easy for dark spiritual beings to deceive mankind. They can even create a group like TLS. The purpose? To replace truth with deceit. To lie and steal from mankind's true identity with one that sounds good, but isn't in fact reality. They labor to sow an idea of a reality that is enticing to man's heart, but hides the truth. It's a replay of the Garden of Eden and the serpent again. It worked before so they do it again and again and again. Mankind is ignorant to the level of chess they are up against. Only God is infinite steps ahead of them. They are allowed to influence us because we allowed it. Even if it's unwittingly. We dance with deception and U wittingly embraced it. It's up to us to seek the truth of the creators heart. Jesus was the fulfilled promise of redemption. Darkness takes many moves against Christ and his message to stain His name

Aug 30 at 03:22 AM

It requires the Love of Truth and Love of others

Aug 30 at 03:20 AM

Darkness is that which rejects the Truth and Light. Only the Truth and Light can reveal the darkness and lies.


Commented on Divine Intervention

Aug 30 at 02:22 AM

Satan and his kingdom are deceivers and hide behind paranormal identities so they can move to deceive with a lie to people without awareness to those who don't know they exist. If their true identity was known, people would become powerful over them through Christ Jesus.

Commented on Divine Intervention

Aug 30 at 02:13 AM

Jesus can cast out those demons

Aug 26 at 03:11 AM

There is a reason the Clinton's would advertise a phone number for people who wanted help from human trafficking.