Uriel Gutierrez


Aug 16 at 08:15 AM

Hello I'm name is uri Gutierrez I am 42 years old And on the road of awakening I am also a single father and I am also a drug addict. I know I have a calling I believe in the great source of love I know I need to stop using buy I can't on my own strength my son is 14 and I can't stop working to go to rehab cause we'll I am all he has and it breaks me in two. My immediate family don't care I don't know how to do it I have no friends because I have no time for them it's all about my son man's my drugs I believe my third eye want to open but my addiction is very powerful I am a machinist by trade but I am also a musician and so is my boy i am addicted to fentanyl and meth but the meth is really no problem I can stop but the fentanyl is what I just can't Percive my life without...... anyway if you outthere and know how to help me please I beg of u show me the way


Commented on Saying hello!

Aug 16 at 08:07 AM

From san jose cal


Commented on Saying hello!

Aug 16 at 08:06 AM