
Feb 20 at 12:59 PM

We can't know all JUST yet at this moment remember that too much evil in the world evidence shows all that certain people are taken our free will we all have the power to do anything in this world that we want to you are the energy of existence of the dimensional multi universe key word dimension shape that dimension parallel an there's your shape of the dimension spinning look at whirlpools same kind of effects but with tons of planets all stacked one by one earth is just one blanket that's stacked in many many many maybe even infinite dimensions what we all know that exist is not the way it actually is there is no way you can actually measure it completely out to know unless you see it like the way I see it all but all will know the truth of how it all is soon trust it's an order that and a command to the top officials that control that all must be told and everything that is being held will be taken back by the ones that own the property it's all respect

Feb 20 at 12:04 PM

One last thing at this time I don't think we should be discussing any more information at this time respect that y'all and know that different times are coming but not everyone might be able to understand it and many will not except it but the cards will fall where they may

Feb 20 at 12:02 PM

Understand this as well that no one can ever stop any organization like this it's not anything anyone could ever stop just know that and by understanding this then hopefully it'll change everyone's mind positive for the better inside you you mind is more powerful than anything else in life you couldn't even grasp your head around it but don't depend on no one but you.

Feb 20 at 11:54 AM

I had an amazing download yesterday so trust me y'all you are going to see all very soon universe has always had and will always have our best life abundance will come meantime manifest your life the way that you want to live it I strongly recommend too let all fears and ego's go we have been in such a confined bubble fake life for way too long but know that our one an ONLY creator has our back better than we or anyone will have your back. The negative energy MUST stop the energy is so extremely high on our mother Earth at this time and we have to wake up and take care of yourselves and do good deeds it's time for a change for a BETTER moment of tomorrow stop listening to the fake news and tv break out of your fake life bubble and you all will see the change. remember that positive an loving times are coming not on our times but know this that yes the galactic federation council is very real an they aren't evil they are looking out for our future best existence just love❤️ wake up ppl

Feb 20 at 11:46 AM

EVERYONE that watches this video remember that everything CAN'T be told just yet but trust me that time is coming very sincerely please let everything happen without any fears let your ego go it's important to understand this an just listen to the information that's being said at this moment an calm down chillax an the moment of truth will soon come to LIGHT with tons of Love remember that love CONQUERS ALL an the light will ALWAYS prevail an amazing thing to know and truly understand that and just live in the moment everyone's always worried about the past & future but never living in the moment.

Feb 18 at 09:41 PM

The thing is I personally know where where nexus portal actually are in my state an yes y'all the nexus portal is real there is many portals around but timing is all when your dealing with it I won't speak much on it but it's not that far from my house an most wouldn't understand it I get why it's been hidden for long time though some things aren't for everyone an remember that just as much as the greys were involved an interested in us the government was just as interested in reversing their technology. If you put the tech in the wrong hands it's ugly as we see we can speed up time of contant if we ALL JUST KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT WHAT WE TALK ABOUT EXIST WHAT WE DON'T TALK ABOUT DON'T EXIST LAWS OF OUR UNIVERSE SO WE MUST KEEP MANIFESTING IT TOO ALL OF OUR TRUE REALITY AND UNDERSTAND THIS IT'LL HAPPEN FASTER AND FASTER EACH DAY PLEASE WE NEED ALL TO KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT THAT'S THE ULTIMATE KEY TO EVERYTHING THEY CAN'T STOP US ALL IF WE ALL KEEP MANIFESTING ITINTO OUT INTO THE REALITY


Feb 18 at 09:34 PM

The garden of Eden is a nexus portal not that hard to comprehend

Feb 18 at 09:28 PM

Exactly we have NEVER ask for any wars or any division or any of this corruption we all were enslaved into this shit we have to all just keep putting it into our reality by keep talking about it remember what we talk about exist if we don't talk about it then it don't exist so we all need to put it into our reality of our existence of life we can ONLY do it an move it faster by manifesting it to happen REMEMBER THAT is that key to success so WE NEVER EVERYONE TO JUST MANIFEST INTO OUR AND INTO OUR REALITY AN IT'LL DEFINITELY SPEED IT UP I PROMISE YOU ALL IT'S JUST THAT SIMPLY DONE 👍🏼 TRUST THE LAWS OF OUR UNIVERSE THAT THEY ACTUALLY CAN'T CONTROL WE ALL HAVE THE POWER AN EMPOWERMENT TO DO THIS WE NEVER TO DO IT NOW!!! LET'S GO MY LIGHT WORKER FAMILY WE CAN CONQUER IT ALL BY KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT TO HAPPEN NOW

Feb 18 at 09:19 PM

Oh we're ready the governments and the corruption are not ready can you relay that message that the entire world is actually ready for contact to happen CAUSE time is ticking an the government is at a brick wall cause they all know they're all done all control an power is done we finally can put our energy into cleaning our mother Earth an not going to unnecessary war an the USA government was warned to seize all war and they are not even listening to the galactic federation council orders and actually they are not corporating with a galactic order and that means that puts all our free will in jeopardy and that's not right to any of the collective souls here in this time remember 9/11 LET'S NEVER forget right who did WHAT so do us a favor so we can move forward an a new order of a new way an new brighter days for our world will come to us all we all just want love an peace we never asked for war division all we want is equality an peace and true love an true justice for all


Feb 18 at 05:43 PM