
Feb 18 at 05:36 PM

Can we bring em back to life 😂😂 we don't die we all reincarnate y'all

Feb 18 at 05:34 PM

If you want to do something go outside and pick up trash and stop the negative ways change your ways

Feb 18 at 05:31 PM

Dude wake up get out of your Hollywood movie lala land understand we exist and we're all the collective souls of our mother Earth and we all beat the shit out of her so yeah they'll be contacting soon if you like it or not you gotta remember we don't have any tech to clean up our environment and your negative energy of your religion beliefs is 💯%exactly why and what the problem of earth being destroyed your belief ego isn't the way how about letting all things you ever knew leave them in the past move forward and turn your life to love for the ONLY earth that we have so it's going to happen let all ego go or you will not be able to handle it and trust this that us woke collective souls all will protect and we all will do whatever it takes to make this a better place with postive vibes and love


Feb 18 at 05:23 PM

Physical contact will be the new chapter yes we will have work to do the next day we all have lot to clean up on our mother Earth we all made trash so we all will be clearing up our environment. Much needed the government needs to disappear and let the true collective souls clean up our environment and not worry about paying them with their hands out at all time the public has been KNOWN wake TF up governments we are far from dumb here we have ALWAYS known that of course other beings exist what fools to think we don't know about it no one's even caring everything is classified so they get rich and we're here now to knock off the evil ppl everything has been exposed for many years now and now they are scared that their time of power and control is coming to an abrupt end. I can feel the LIGHT COMING and physical contact will be happening soon believe that EVERYONE cause love always prevails were all equally the same

Feb 18 at 04:55 PM

I can feel that physical contact will happen very soon!! And yes we all have work actually lot of work remember that we made a mess on mother Earth so we all will be cleaning up our mess we have to have it happen soon CAUSE the government will not help like ALWAYS they just have their hand out but never give back so UNITY is now we must for our EARTH our earth is a slow healer and we don't have the tech for the clean up so everyone greet them and a simple hello goes long way and love will always conquer all

Feb 18 at 02:26 PM

Open your soul up to the universe let the energy of love come in your soul that's what needs to be done at this time get your soul an body in tune with the knowing of life an it'll happen it's happening very soon love will always conquer all


Feb 18 at 02:25 PM

James your comment is negative energy change your ways minds an soul your equal as any being in our multi universe you're negativity is WHY our earth is taken a beating wake up man money ain't nothing understand that really quick I'll tell you what's totally bullshit the elite government and our governments is whats bullshit greed GETS you nothing laws of karma and LOVE will ALWAYS CONQUER ALL THAT'S A FACT!! So let your ego go honestly your ego ain't shit either money is government made paper they make it tax it an we pay for it that's the bullshit!! You ain't taken no money with you in the next carnation you should know this by now have you ever taken anything you ever bartered with you to the next carnation of life I think not so know what's about to occur wake up much love to you an I hope you open your soul to the universe


Feb 18 at 02:18 PM

I'm ready Jason I feel like it'll happen sooner than we can think it'll happen very soon

Feb 18 at 02:17 PM

Id actually like to see if there's anything we can do to help the planet that's starving for water for 200 years we must help each other out it's time it's extremely important to be there for the collective souls of our multi universe and we will learn from them an they'll learn from us as well

It'll be just like another day but it'll actually be the day of a new change new chapter when full arrival contact happens their is no disclosure we have ALWAYS known that this would actually occur in our life and Hollywood and the governments knew as well NEVER fear or NEVER hurt them trust me you even think of harming any of them you will be dealt with no questions asked they don't want to come an have a war they will definitely come down with love of the LIGHT so don't even go that way of old remember new chapter and new CHANGE for us all to be better and advanced so you can all be thankful we have our loved ones by us still y'all we kept them away for a greedy elite government that will be stopped! Their are the cabal 💯 I will gladly help take them to their destination that our galactic federation knows their souls destiny trust me y'all we are it of all existence of what we all know as life join us for humanity and love
