
Feb 16 at 01:54 PM

Man oh man I CAN'T wait until the evil is out of our existence and we can all use the code to go into our inner self we can probably heal and do some miracles with the code I'm sure of it future days are going to a beautiful day when we all positively understand it and use it in a good way not a bad way to has us all as one as a collective


Feb 16 at 12:33 PM

I love and appreciate everyone who is apart of TLS and I can't thank you all enough for actually being there for us positive loving beings here I can't put into words the appreciation for them

Everything is so out of date we need to say the hell with their new way we need to get back to free energy we were supposed to have free energy like our history tells us all nothing wrong with the way it was!! History needs to go back lil bit and we can make it better than it was but we gotta change to unity and love as well we can do this together

Commented on The Great Awakening

Feb 16 at 11:38 AM

It's time to step up for unity and we together can change the world we must do it now together as one much love to all


Feb 15 at 01:24 PM

I must know what's so hard to understand here no matter you all must understand the situation that man has made the Bible in their own words if you meditate like we were all supposed to know meditation was the school what we were supposed to learn but the system and corruption came along and now we're all fkd up bottom line its so about LOVE and when you have a universal awakening you can clearly see this isn't no bullshit i promise y'all here that this is all actually facts an a thank you would be nice instead of trying to decifer shit open your minds up and stop the way of your thinking CAUSE it's all fkd up and your way of thinking is not the way to even live just take anything you ever here an never look for the negative ALWAYS try to think positive thoughts and do a good deed everyday an your life will change as well


Feb 15 at 12:55 PM

I'm starving for world change of love I hate fighting and arguing we together can change the way it is but we must be aware to NEVER let this happen to us all again when we get to that point idk about anyone else but I'm truly extremely exhausted from this corruption it's been going on way to long when are we going to wake up and realize that this isn't the way we should be living we gotta open our hearts to ourselves and each other I hope you all just change your ways and mind sets after watching disclosure and the pyramid code but don't do it cause you watched do it from your heart to just be a better person than you are today. It's all a learning experience here an we gotta start making better decisions and choices for ourselves not for any religious beliefs or any other reasons don't do it cause ray says to do it for you and your life all around you will become more comfortable and better than it is mark my words


Feb 15 at 12:50 PM

Arnold Lancaster Jr hey they are very good friends though Jason just trying to get certain things out so we know call it what you want I call it Jason is starving for world change of love just like me and many others here so yeah I'd be asking the same questions honestly 💯

Feb 15 at 12:48 PM

Paul Demuth remember that man left many many things out of the books to not let us know the truth you just gotta have faith remember it comes back to one thing and that one thing that we need now more than ever is love so please love with your heart on your sleeve wake up an do the right things for you and others much love to all

Feb 15 at 12:25 PM

sarah not everything they stop on purpose understand that everything that they do is for the greater tomorrow you must understand that first and remember not everyone's in the light of love ONCE your in the light of love then you are actually protected by the light I feel the light around my aurora protecting me and let me tell you all it's a damn great feeling. The key is look at everything an everyone with LOVE it's all to make our existence better way in life and do a good deed and positive comes back to you in abundance. And don't do it looking for a return do it naturally and you will see a change and you live and love a better life than you thought you ever could that's step 1 that people should start doing like now last year I thought I was awake but I was but when you have a universal awakening then you see that it's all LOVE


Replied on DISCLOSURE 5

Feb 15 at 11:06 AM

kerryann gunning I think you live in a unopened mind and I think you should revaluate your life and meditate on everything CAUSE when you get down loads you will then understand that it's all true and far from a spokesman for a group trust me here all this is real life the problem is that ppl been brainwashed their entire lifetime now that some truth comes out ppl can't handle the truth just saying open your mind body and soul and let the down loads come in