
Commented on DISCLOSURE 4

Feb 15 at 01:42 AM

I'm honestly blessed that we all have tls in this world cause without it I know we all would of been doomed and this life time would've been over already so sincerely Ray I thank you And I have the upmost respect for you and your personal people for being here for us all cause we need you guys I'm understanding totally with your thoughts cause I'm exhausted As well and we're all ready for a change of the way we all thought it was but like ALWAYS the truth will ALWAYS surface no matter what we do the truth is ALWAYS bought to the light and surface no matter how long it takes but damn it man we've been waiting over 100 years now I'm sick of it and I have learned a ton of this I get it already it's about love and some don't understand at all well let the cards fall where they may is the way I'm seeing it just release the truth so change can happen fast but I do understand that everything is actually done and will always be done with love so I get it it's on their time not ours soon🙏🏼


Commented on DISCLOSURE 4

Feb 15 at 01:28 AM

Yes Ray is right bishar has said this as well and he is us in 300 years from now and to have a child you put an energy field around the two And a baby just appears I thought that was very cool to hear that from our future but damn it I'll tell ya what we have a ton to work on to reach that cause as of now it seems like it'll never happen cause our time is slow but yet so fast. I do want to know if the galactic federation is real or what I do know that years back they came thru on a broadcast system in Russia and I personally believe that they are watching us the and I do think strongly that they are waiting to see the next move to make full contact disclosure to us all I hope so cause I'm ready to just live and love for the universe of our existence as we know it!!!

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Feb 15 at 12:29 AM

I'm gonna call Biden out on his bs it's probably Bush shape shift into a different body cause Joe doesn't look like the way he did years back I swear he's shifted or wearing a mask and if my memory is right I thought he died years ago

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Feb 15 at 12:13 AM

Yup Ray they just used the holograms again at the mall in Miami but I do think that the galactic federation might come down for us to help ppl like you out I know that they are WATCHING us all at all times but I hope that they do come down to help people like you out with the cause much love

Replied on DISCLOSURE 3

Feb 15 at 12:10 AM

It's very real but they have to come to you that's how it works you can never go to them understandably and it's ok you will recarnate and be back again trust that man but if they are going to take you out make sure it's for the collective and not yourself nothing is worth it if you gotta go out then go out for a reason to be or make a difference for EVERYONE never go out for you that's selfish and UNIVERSAL law of karma will come back to you 100 fold you should know this by now but your ok man they are trying to take out the world buddy not just you relax and spread the awareness if you have powers then make them useful for the collective


Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Feb 14 at 11:42 PM

Thank you Ray I appreciate everything your doing and I hope one day we can meet and I can personally thank you an give you a huge hug I praise everything you done and will do you are a true inspiration to me and so many more and I cherish your beautiful energy that your given for the collective so we can have a greater way for tomorrow much love my brother

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Feb 14 at 11:27 PM

Helen Ohrman no not at all wake up Helen don't be another Karen ok change your things and thought be open minded be a better thinking person we need positive thoughts and actual actions here not commenting bullshit and not a fact your assumptions are way off wake up

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Feb 14 at 11:25 PM

Alex your so weird man your thinking is brainwashed by musk you wouldn't say that if you knew their agenda even musk agenda is against humanity don't even give his name any fame if we don't talk about it then it don't exist if we talk about it then guess what buddy it will exist if you want to hear from that pathetic soulless bastard then go to his platform and feed the energy to end humanity to AI technology it's not the way Atlantis was actually destroyed by the AI technology so don't give even his ugly name any thought makes me sick even thinking of that scumbag crumb until I see a change he don't even exist in my book


Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Feb 14 at 11:14 PM

Let the religion beliefs go your ego let it go it's the elite government way of money an control it's not hard to see that we have one creator not 10000 different ones for crying out loud ppl are stuck on stupid here I see ppl praying to a rug or a drug it's all about love understand that love is the ONLY answer about it all the one creator that we all have the blood of Jesus in our bodies that's what he's trying to say here way to many different beliefs and not ever thinking about love some religions even teach them to be a terrorist so know what he means here you gotta go back in history it tells all trust me and yes world war 3 if you see or know it or not if you want to have a true belief then believe in our existence of our universe for the life that we all live we are all the same collective souls on this earth your reason for your religion is the excuse to your holy Spirit well news flash Darlene you are the holy Spirit that was created by our one creator not a rug or many Gods


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 14 at 09:30 PM

I do have one thing I have a question on about and Im really trying to figure out maybe it's not my time to know but ok I understand that recarination happens totally understand that but if we are to learn from our mistakes and I know I've made a ton of wrong decisions and choices in my life time but how am I supposed to learn from the mistakes that I've made if we can't remember our past wrong doings that I know I have done in the next life time how can I learn how to know how to change my souls destiny for my next carnation of my next life time to make sure that I don't do the same sorry pathetic shit that I've done I really regret but I've also learned a ton from the mistakes of my past. Cause I don't want to keep coming back an keep messing up I wasn't at the time awake or nearly no where aware of anything I was young but I have learned is that all that matters to move forward to the next dimension or do we live an learn from it an remember it next time I dnt have any idea thank u