
Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 14 at 08:50 PM

It's ACTUALLY coming it's called the great awakening welcome all my loved ones and positive vibes ones souls

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 14 at 08:49 PM

Jessica yes I believe so and reminder that words are powerful very powerful and absolutely manifesting is real as well so LOVE and just live the right way by being loving and caring of others but scared cause if you have lot of sex it takes time off yourself 😂 I'm screwed I had no idea lmao 🤣 watch pyramid code oh man oh man I fkd up this carnation

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 14 at 08:36 PM

max Snyder much love

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 14 at 08:35 PM

Colin Finney if we all bring awareness then yes free will will exist this kind of attitude is the hold up your mind is there but you must unite and understand that if we can't show universal love then what's the point to anything we ever have done here understand we don't die so let me ask you if it don't exist why did it exist back in the history books wake up there y'all history don't lie you might think you know but meditation is needed


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 14 at 07:53 PM

Ray and Jason I said it before please let me know if I can do anything or if there's anything I can do to help this entire enslaved way of life end and we can move forward with LOVE and true meaning for justice for all I have been speaking up and making many many aware and I just hope I have at least made at least one person wake up but if I can do anything at all please let me know thank you much love

Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 14 at 07:40 PM

Sean Wodehouse right on man I feel the same way these ppl are insane themselves and actually sad to see that ppl are this brainwashed from the corruption of the evil system that we lived in for many many many years I keep my vibes high awareness is needed though fk the ego I have no ego I let it go through understanding and just looking at our history and history don't lie everything he's ever said is nothing but true FACTS we are all apart of the contract to wake up ppl and for contact disclosure I feel that in my heart and my gut and I stick to my heart with what my galactic federation down loads in my head


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 14 at 07:35 PM

Hollh Butt FACTS much love


Replied on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 14 at 07:35 PM

Barbara Davis it's sounds like your not awake so you're telling me this is a cult no I'll tell u that your brainwashed cause the cult is the one that's taken our kids and humans to the underworld wake up you're not thinking right at all and if you think someone would come out an say things like this with showing their face then your really nuts and sounds like to me that you might be driving the buses that take the humans to the elites shame on you for such a statement time will tell all you better best believe that and that's a fact that time will come soon and all you non believers are going to be in another vibration level and I know that you will regret everything that you ever thought was your little reality sad really to see this type of comments but MUCH LOVE TO you still I understand why you think that cause of all the conspiracy theories but when you lived my life you will know this is the truth


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 14 at 07:29 PM

I am shocked that I see people not believing this at all well here's my question and I really want an answer to this question to you all is human trafficking real? And oh let me tell y'all no one in their right mind would ever risk to say such things that were false things like this PPL were and have been silenced wake TF up ppl


Feb 14 at 05:24 PM

We all can do this together thanks Jason and Ray for the truth it's not even that hard to understand like we known pretty much all of this I don't understand let's just do it already