
Feb 14 at 12:37 PM

Hello my fiance has MS and lupus from the vaccine that these bastards forced her to get. But they say we have free will when the truth is that they low key are actually depopulating the world but what's the best thing to eat or what's the right way to get rid of the disease of MS and lupus thank you so much for any information or any correct direction too get my fiance cured from the mark of the beast much love to all my star seed beings 🩵🕯️🩵🙏🏼

Feb 14 at 12:33 PM

Chad hamo wrong way of looking at it my friend remember that we are the souls and we together if we unite are the difference to stop the corruption and bring truth awareness to have this happen across the globe and it will not be about the rich & the poor we are all equally the same and we must put an end to the division and unite together to have us all in the same exact feeling


Feb 14 at 12:29 PM

Dana Evans is there any in the new Jersey area or anywhere around that region? And do you perhaps know where I can purchase the medallion from? I need to purchase a few of the medallions for my family and myself. Very MUCH appreciated and any information on this will help my father with his cancer please let me know if you can possibly point & guide me in the correct direction much love

Feb 14 at 12:08 PM

Bells such as the liberty bell are destroyed or cracked because it used to heal our bodies so the elite assholes took the bells away from society and now we look at a bell thru a window but yet our body and eyes are at the bell when you visit such as the liberty bell we look at it thru a window it's like we're all looking for a healing property and we're actually remembering the times of our past life healing I feel like an animal in a huge zoo when I see the bell they control so much it's pathetic but don't let that lower your vibrations just know that times are coming very soon much love and prosperity to all


Feb 14 at 12:03 PM

Where can I purchase a medallion at please anyone have any ideas where I can get a few thanks so much!! Much love and prosperity to all

Feb 14 at 12:02 PM

Andrea Sare no never ever

Feb 14 at 11:07 AM

We all must stop supporting musk and the elites destruction of humanity and I thank you for sharing this information to us all much love ❣️


Feb 14 at 10:58 AM

Can my wife and I come to you please let me know thanks much love

Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 14 at 01:24 AM

Sad shit that we have to even say that we are all one ppl don't get that were all just a hybrid DNA test of other civilizations how the hell else y'all think we got here a monkey the hell 🤦🏼

Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Feb 14 at 01:13 AM

For many centuries children trafficking has been going on look back on old postal cards they use to sell babies and the babies were sitting in a cabbage patch and fast forward to the early 80's they started selling us cabbage patch kids!! And EVERYONE loved them unfortunately no one even knew that it was just repeating and supporting the fact that child trafficking is ok so please look back in our deep history it's been going on for many many many years we all as a collective must finally put a stop to it all before they get their next victim they have no care or love in their being. This is life or my death I feel strongly that I signed a contract coming into this lifetime to do something here about it I also feel I signed on for full contact disclosure as well in my heart I feel that