Brandon cartwright

Sep 25 at 06:09 AM

ai shut the fuck up

Sep 25 at 06:08 AM

Damn you must love the guy you commented on both of them that quick and responded to me that fast!! You sure your not an alien ?

Sep 25 at 06:06 AM

Freedom of speech buttercup !! He’ll have to get tough skin if he’s gonna keep doing that bullshit

Replied on The Great Awakening

Sep 22 at 06:01 AM

I only serve one god. So this YHMH fella I don’t know him and honestly don’t want to even get to know him. I only have enough room for 1 god only. His name is Jesus Christ and there will be 7 trumpets and the 7th trumpet will make the 6 before it look microscopic compared to what god will do on the 7th one. He is coming and even Jesus doesn’t know when he is coming but when he does he will be riding a white horse in a blood soaked robe with a sword coming out of the horses mouth to slay all the people who ruined this lovely planet god made for us. And of course he will get Israel and tell them again they are safe. We have nukes from Iran pointed at Israel every single day how come nobody has been able to ever take Israel? Because that is sacred land. Land that was hand picked by god. Folks we are living in a modern day soddom & gamorra !!!! He is coming so I hope you and myself actually are right with god. I’m a Pentecostal we don’t believe once saved always saved.


Replied on The Mothership

Sep 05 at 06:59 PM

Hold up I just bought 23 med beds and now your telling me that they are not man made? Wtf


Sep 01 at 09:38 PM

I’m sorry but if you believe in god and in the Holy Ghost there is no way that this man is translating what an alien is saying. Now speaking in tongues is different you cannot understand what someone is saying and that’s why they call it tongues. It’s a way to communicate to god without Satan being able to translate what you are saying. This dude is speaking straight English so your telling me aliens speak English and if not how did this guy learn to speak alien talk? Haha joke this is a joke. Fool me once

Commented on The Great Awakening

Sep 01 at 02:45 PM

Wow!!! Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. No amount of money, influence, or power is greater than knowing your name is in the lambs book of life. For God is the ultimate dictator, he is the beginning and the end. He is the ultimate doctor. The yin and the yang. Our God cannot fail. He is Jahovah Shammah and Jahovah Nissi. I was going down a rough road when I was younger and my mother literally prayed me out of the gates of hell. She went toe to toe with the devil. Once night while I was sneaking into the house around 16ish I heard a weeping sound in her room and I looked under the door and she was on her knees with a Bible in her right hand and blood on her lip she shook the gates of hell and told Satan you will not take my son. Whatever storm you may be in just remember the lord is with you and will not stop paddling. He is the father of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. He weighs the mountains in one hand and the hills in another. Blessed be the name of Jesus