Ginny Lyran StarSeed

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 30 at 05:29 PM

Is there a healthier nicotine patch to try? Or all the brands about the same?

Sep 30 at 11:29 AM

Right! I showed my husband and said, you see, it’s all true!!!



Sep 30 at 11:28 AM

This is how I feel about my higher self.


Sep 29 at 02:42 PM

Even the Scientific American is talking about how the nature of reality is not what we’ve been told. I love how all this this truth is starting to come out.


Sep 29 at 02:34 PM

Sometimes what we think are dreams are actually our experiences we are having in a parallel life. Do you have a clear image of what this feline-like being friend looks like? Kimber?

Commented on Releasing Anger

Sep 25 at 07:03 PM

Very nice! Big gratitude! 🙏

Sep 25 at 10:55 AM

Beautiful 😍



Sep 24 at 11:34 PM

Tonight I release all feelings of not being worthy, not being enough, and not being able to stand out in a crowd. I know those are subconscious programs that are meant to keep us playing small and not knowing our true power. I hereby call in self worth, self love, and the feeling of how unique and special I am, as we ALL are. Grateful to be alive at this special time on Earth. 💜😇🌎



Sep 24 at 08:30 PM

This magnificent Maine Coon cat reminds me of my former ET lives as a majestic feline being in the Lyra Star System. What Star Race to you feel alignment with?


Sep 23 at 12:46 PM

What an amazing story Kimber. Yes, I am loving the UNIFYD platform also and will be transitioning off the other Social Media platforms so I can spend more time here.