Ginny Lyran StarSeed

I am following Elena Danaan and find her Contactee information some of the most compelling and positive of all that is coming out in Disclosure and Ascension. Would love to have her add content to Unifyd. What is the criteria for being able to add content? Can even people with small businesses and followings, like myself,  contribute? 


Commented on Right within

Aug 24 at 11:46 PM

I choose LOVE not FEAR! Thanks for this. 😀

Commented on Awaken

Aug 24 at 11:45 PM

Yes! It's an exciting time to be on Terra! This is what my soul volunteered for. 

Aug 24 at 07:47 PM

zar Glad to help. Crystals are amazing and are here to assist us in our healing and even telepathic communications. 



Aug 24 at 06:59 PM

Never underestimate the power of your intention and your spoken words. My daily declaration is: I AM VIBRANT, RESILIENT, BOLD AND BRILLIANT, today and every day in all situations. 

Aug 24 at 06:42 PM

zar That's a great question. Any crystal that you are intuitively drawn to can help with your meditation practice because of their vibration. However, Quartz crystal is extra special, as it is the same frequency as love. You can use it with love in your heart to amplify your dreams and intentions as you meditate. 

Aug 23 at 04:35 PM

I think I agree with that. We are so used to binge watching shows these days. I’m hungry for more episodes from this series right now. 😊

Aug 23 at 10:07 AM

Patrick Lawson Wonderful. Would love to have you join us. Our Connection Calls are Wednesdays at 9:00am Pacific time on Zoom, link is in the Membership portal. My presentation next week will be on what I learn from Pete and Roxy's presentation on the Pleiadian connection. Today's topic is about new information coming from a Pleaidian being about the power of Quartz crystals for healing. 


Commented on The Portal is Open

Aug 21 at 12:14 AM

Looks great!

Aug 20 at 11:44 PM

Shaun zinn  Being a light worker does not mean you can not earn your money to take care of yourself and your family. Do you work for free? I've spent huge amounts of my time and financial resources to create a membership program so that I could serve many people instead of just in individual sessions. At $1 for the trial first month and then just $39 a month until the person wishes to cancel, is very reasonable for the support and content I am giving my members. So please think twice before you assume someone is not being honorable when they are charging something for their services in the healing realm. Thank you. 
