Michelle Perry

Sep 11 at 10:17 PM

So we need to ask Ray what a ghost is? Or a demonic spirit? Because I’ve seen them… multiple and in different places. Not always the same ones. Where do ghosts come into play with Rays theory and teachings?


Sep 11 at 10:16 PM

I would assume like in the movie “what dreams may come” that Jason mentions, each souls darkness is different. I’ve always said for decades that that movie makes so much sense.

Replied on Patient Seventeen

Aug 19 at 04:03 AM

I was coming to say exactly this! Our souls may have chosen this when we decided to be born into humanity. And obviously ET have found a way to combine these toxic materials in order to not be harmful to us.


After my Mamaw was vaccinated twice, she got very sick. Couldn’t hold food down for a whole month, became hospitalized, lost ability to walk, was in and out of hospitals and rehabs.. over 12 times in a year and a half. THEN, got STEVENS JOHNSONS SYNDROME… which is generally caused by an antibiotic which she hadn’t had any at all. Her whole body burned and peeled. She had to have heart surgery. She was on life support twice and then they diagnosed her with “Lupus” at age 69. And the doctor wasn’t even positive on that diagnosis. She did have COPD beforehand but she was perfectly fine otherwise. She cleaned, cooked, drove, ran errands. Lived normally. Now she’s bed ridden and we still have NO ANSWERS. How can I help her? I know this is from being vaxxed. I’ve TRIED to ask her doctors (over 27) to prescribe her ivermectin and they will not do it. She did have Covid twice and they tried giving her remdesivir and I said ABSOLUTELY NOT! What else can I do to get her walking again? The crazy thing is… she can move around just fine, in bed, her muscles are just so broken down, she can’t stand. She is strong but every time she stops taking prednisone, she ends up back in the hospital. She just turned 70 and her mind is super sharp. I hate the vax because I know this did this to her but we cannot get help or answers.

Aug 09 at 10:30 AM

I’m always drawn to interviews with Ray & also anytime Jason or Ray speak in general. It’s my favorite part of the UNIFYD family, although I’ve been following Jason’s work before UNIFYD. I’ve watched Disclosure multiple times, also TLS multiple times, and after new releases, I listen to The Pyramid Code again and hear it in a different light each time. I’ve learned so much. Questioned so much. And also, as much as I’ve tried working on my spirituality in hopes of reincarnating with a higher vibration, I tend to allow the corruption around me, weigh me down. I try to stay positive and live my life with a new appreciation than the lives I’ve lived before. I can feel at least 2 of my past incarnations and I somehow KNOW I wasn’t the greatest person. So keeping that in mind, I do my best now since learning so much from Ray & Jason. I would love to learn how to reach AND teach other people about their negativity and the important information I learn from UNIFYD… I just can’t ever seem to get my delivery just so. I believe in feminine and masculine energy and I actually have a very traditional relationship in the sense of being the “neck” for sure, for my husband and the primary care giver to our children & household. But…It is my second attempt and sometimes I feel like I exhaust my energy trying to get my partner on the same positive light that I’m on almost all of the time. If happiness is contagious, you would think my vibes would transcend onto him right? But they don’t and I carry that heavily. Sometimes it weighs me down and takes me to a mental place that I’m not comfortable being in. Hopefully as I learn more, I will figure out how to reach people or not allow that fact that I can’t, effect me. I don’t get offended by much but I can see how some people may take this context from the interview in the wrong way. I hope everyone can read through the lines because the message is very clear. Now we just need humanity to wake up and do good. Society today has made it hard I know, because it seems like the only way to the top is by being corrupt… but this is just one life. People must understand that what we do with this life HAS to have tremendous effect on not only our next, but others as well. Now I’m just rambling lol so Thank you Jason & Ray for another insightful interview. Can’t wait for the next!!


Aug 09 at 07:40 AM

Jillian yes and the proof shows more today than it ever has. So many struggle with what they feel inside and it never made sense to me until I heard this info from Ray a few years ago in Disclosure. Now it all makes so much sense. Reincarnation!


Aug 04 at 10:45 AM

Tammy Worthington have you tried a good spiritual life coach? I had the same issues with my 17 year old daughter. Doctor after doctor and they just wanted to medicate her and I was not gonna let that happen. We did find a spiritual woman at an event and we were just drawn to her energy and found out she did some life coaching and that changed my daughters life. Saved her life actually.

Ray said this that the pyramids are ships!!

May 20 at 10:56 PM

Aaron teed they’re working on bigger things and reaching as many people as possible. That takes money to do what they’re doing!

Replied on Third Eye Spies

Mar 26 at 04:39 AM

Albert fountain YOU did that. YOU pulled yourself out of the darkness. God is source and the source lives in all of us.