J Petty

We have done and continue to cross-breed, splice genes, disect every lesser advanced living organism we have access to. All in the name of science and for the advancement of humanity and rarely for the sake of the creature being “studied”. It’s not much of a stretch to imagine that we undergo the very same from beings more advanced than us. There are good and bad in every situation. It just depends on your perspective. To the scientist, it is good to disect other species. The dissected has a strong argument against being cut to pieces for some other creature’s advancement.


Feb 29 at 12:08 PM

There are regressive races that exist. They eventually extinguish themselves over time as they represent separation and if you observe what separation leads to, it’s not that hard to determine it’s eventual self extermination. Our problem here on earth, in this timeline, is we are being manipulated and heavily controlled via our perceptions of what reality is. This manipulation causes/ creates the perpetual self destruction and disconnect from our own true powers. This allows the regressive races to continue and feed from the regressive energies, wars, separation that we are currently generating and experiencing. We experience what we collectively and personally create. We have much work to do and can move ourselves to a better timeline. We have to do the inner work to understand our own part and what that work means to us. Everything you will ever need to accomplish what you are here to accomplish is contained within you. Do not look outside yourself for the truth, the knowledge.


Oct 12 at 04:47 PM

I think the point is not to be void of the negative. The point is to be aware of it and learn from it. It is then we can begin to use negative and positive to further our understanding therefore evolve from the simplistic approach of “negative is bad”. We need the negative. If we chose to rid our selves of pain, for example, how would we know to remove our hand from the hot pan and avoid a worse situation? We have the abilities to transmute the positive and negative in our lives to our benefit. You do it and live this everyday. When we failed at something that we really wanted in our life and continue to reach the end result, we learned from the failures. We integrated that painful lesson into our life and how we approach life’s challenges. There, we just transmuted a negative entity, thought pattern, false belief, etc. into something beneficial. Now think of every negative aspect of your life as an opportunity to learn and evolve therefore changing life around you for the better.

Oct 10 at 09:51 PM

Wether or not Constantine was a true convert or not, I do not consent to anyone at any time the power to decide what I should and should not read. Yet, we allowed this to happen and there’s a lesson there as well.


Oct 10 at 09:28 PM

That has always bothered me as well. Along with removing/ selecting books of the Holy Bible by a roman psychopath who claimed to have converted to Christianity. Yet, there are no reports in existence noting any changes in Constantine’s character following his conversion. Add to this that Romans are known throughout history to have absolutely no moral compass, will do what is necessary to maintain power including but not limited to, murder family members, skin nay sayers alive, crucify innocent and guilty by means of the most cruel means ever known to mankind, and even the small stuff like lie, cheat, steal, betray, backstab & the like. You mean you don’t think a roman emperor would lie about converting to a religion that has gained so much momentum that he could no longer control the people? He couldn’t beat them so he joined them and got control of it. Today we have the mighty roman Catholic Church and Constantine is regarded as the savior of the Christian faith.
