Jeremy Wulff

Nov 23 at 10:42 AM

Homeopathy is the real cures ; everything that comes from big pharma and vaccines , poison poisons and more poisons to lower our density and frequency so we may be lizard dwellers servings our masters….. this is no more and we are healing ourselves from the inside out, connecting with the divine and acknowledging our true hidden powers; Godspeed all , love is the answer ❤️

Nov 23 at 10:40 AM

The censorship on media platforms in our society is that to the levels of extreme facism as presented beautifully in the classic movie ‘V for Vendetta’ I recommend you all watch as we avoid going into ‘police state’ outcomes and this extreme censorship forecasted on individuals speaking divine truth in all platforms. We are coming ❤️

Nov 23 at 10:33 AM

Godspeed ❤️

Nov 13 at 11:20 PM



Nov 06 at 11:09 AM

Olga all I sense from you is negative energy on a positive spiritual platform , I suggest you pursue cleansing that energy before re-merging yourself on this or any platform, and probably your own personal life, when was the last time you told yourself you loved you? Create love and stop creating chaos.


Nov 06 at 11:06 AM

Bro go meditate and find yourself first than come back … smh

Nov 06 at 11:05 AM

And to sum up that violence in todays world , where everyone wants to turn and bat a blind eye and not truly acknowledge the Dark energy humanity holds and has held , 100,000s and 100,000s of Gods precious children of the Earth’s Future being mutilated, raped, sex trafficked, sold, bought , tortured, manipulated , killed and every other sick diabolical thing we can think of…. Who are committing these acts…. Go look in the mirror , we are the beasts, we are the violence; because we don’t embrace these dark energy’s as a whole collective consciousness and it turns humanity into whatever ‘Evil’ depiction your imagination can create and looks what’s going on in todays society , Evil is Rampant at every corner , it’s prophetic and probezised countless times in different ways about todays times. Fear not though , God is coming , We are coming.

Nov 06 at 10:58 AM

Ahhh…. Well we are also in the 4th Destruction phase of the Creators Grand Plan. This phase has arrived due to the level of sin/chaos that’s arrived at Earth being it is on a plane of Desire/Sin so violence has been here… literally forever…. And one day it will be eradicated on earth, the age of love is coming and this is why the world is the MOST chaotic and MOST violent it will ever be RIGHT NOW, so start loving everyone you know yesterday. God Speed 🙏

Nov 06 at 10:54 AM

You got a lot to Learn Rhonda.

Nov 06 at 10:49 AM

Love everything in your life to such a decree, then they will find you.