Jeremy Wulff

Jan 26 at 06:01 PM

When I live until I’m 121 and my mission comes full circle ⭕️ and I tell other individuals of the apolocyptic journey of the 21st century where humanity was at the brink of The Great Transition-The Great Spirtual War - The Great Reset , and the un-enlightened/not-quite-there-yet will be like “Dang, that guy survived all those pandemics and wars and psychological warfare?!?! He must be like a God or a something!” And I’ll say “Exactly” mic drop.

Through God, We shall fear nothing. For simple fear is the illusion of unconditional love. We are here. God has arrived ❤️ Time to go to work. ;)


Dec 24 at 09:55 PM

Fargo, North Dakota

Dec 07 at 09:09 AM

Keep going Cate, finish the race ❤️



We Are Ready Bashar 🩷

Nov 23 at 10:57 AM

He’s such a beautiful boy!

Nov 23 at 10:56 AM

Having mine in January, so THRILLED! 💞

Nov 23 at 10:55 AM

Bet he can’t take me on DDRMAX Insane Mode.

Nov 23 at 10:55 AM

Life is pure pure awesomeness when you have a genuine out of body experience with an aligned energy system and feel the connection to the divine. Everyone will have this feeling at some point in the future. Everyday here is a gift. We all have special gifts we have only scratched the surface ❤️

Nov 23 at 10:47 AM

Hospitals should only exist for emergency situations basically and not be the extended arms of services they have been , way to much power and greed and corruption shown explicitly during the plandemic and number of unfortunate elderly individuals ‘taken out’ in hospitals. The more you know folks. The amount of ‘jab’ injuries far outweigh the actual harm of Covid as it was an elderly virus at its worst peak , 75+ only concern. I hope the past 3 years have woken people up, i sure have heck ; I am a recognized and acknowledged star child. Hear for one purpose and one purpose only. Stay tuned 💞