
Replied on Israeli-Hamas & TLS

Oct 17 at 02:21 PM

No.. but I know those aren’t the only tunnels in the world… obviously! Soooo maybe those are the spicific tunnels ray was talking bout, maybe they aren’t… knowing how many tunnel systems there are around/under the entire world, I wouldn’t be surprised if those actually aren’t the same tunnels he was referring to.. however, just had a gut feeling it was in that area of the world, so who knows…



Oct 16 at 08:50 PM

Just a thought/curiosity…
I wonder if “Ray” is involved in trying to help the Israeli’s save the hostages that Hamas kidnapped 8-9days ago?!?🤔 (or is trying to help the situation, as a whole, from blowing up into a full on WW3 situation) 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️🤔
Also, I wonder if the tunnels they say that Hamas militants are hiding in (underneath Gaza) are the same tunnels that “Ray” had previous missions in whenever he was trying to help those children involved in sex trafficking awhile back?!🤔🤷🏻‍♂️🤔
It’d be totally ironic (and crazy) if so! I wish Jason would/could comment on this.. but sure he’s wayyyy too busy to read this forum! 😞



Sep 02 at 11:39 PM

I look up into the sky nearly EVERY CHANCE I GET for the past 3-4years now! But yet, NEVER seen any UFO’s or phenomena… 😞 Anyone else here within or around the Houston, Tx area (particularly southeast Houston) ever seen anything intriguing?