
Aug 02 at 03:12 PM

I am really happy to see the discernments and concerns of everyone written on the comments! Because I do agree there are more people who are awake and are higher level souls than Ray gives credit for.

Commented on The Great Awakening

Jan 16 at 01:06 PM

When they flashed “you’ll eat less meat” this seems like an agenda they have with vegan movement and people arguing between which one is the correct diet - major war on diet. So if the government is pushing eating less meat does that truly mean that it’s better for us and they have our highest interest or is this simply their agenda? I personally do feel like there is an agenda in the Vegan industry. Packaged fake meat ingredients are horrifying.

Dec 06 at 10:54 AM

I absolutely do not wear a mask and I do not participate in anything related to Covid. It has not been in my reality. To deprive yourself of oxygen is not being of service to others.

Commented on The Harvest

Dec 05 at 11:10 PM

I love your sarcastic laugh omg it’s the cutest! I love this series. I’m so glad you spoke on this because I was so confused what Ra meant when listening to the book!


Nov 18 at 10:44 PM

I feel you. Everything you’re feeling, I feel it too! I’m currently travelling, I’m too unsettled to live in the mundane. I want to go see soul family and anchor these connections in the physical. Add me to Instagram if you want ! Shellydivinegoddess

Replied on DISCLOSURE 3

Nov 18 at 10:23 PM

Connect to your higher self and the astral, that is where you will learn

Nov 18 at 10:21 PM

I know this feeling too! Pray and ask god/source to send you people similar to your vibration. I have ! I find most of them are online and it seems hard for us to come together in the phsyical

Nov 18 at 09:51 PM

I cannot stand this interviewer !!


Nov 17 at 10:47 PM

I somewhat agree. I was not fully resonating with the interviewer at all. Her questions were very surface 3D based and not from the higher self. We could go deeper but not with those questions

Nov 17 at 10:46 PM

I feel the same!!