
Oct 10 at 08:46 PM

Yes pls because it’s trying to charge me! I love this stuff lol

Oct 10 at 08:45 PM

Oh I didn’t know!

Oct 10 at 08:43 PM

Ah ok so on Amazon the book is called “rays of knowledge” that’s the correct one?

Oct 10 at 07:43 PM

I have read the pyramid code.. in it says that the book rays of light is 864 pages. When I looked at Amazon the book is called “rays of knowledge” and only 264 or something pages. Why is this? Is it the same book? I don’t understand

Oct 06 at 03:23 PM

Here’s what I don’t get. More and more people are making money off making content. So basically people are charging for their knowledge/perception. And so what?? should we all start creating content of what we learn on our ascension?, everyone keeps creating content to keep us more glued to our devices? It does not make sense at all! So is this my resistance? If I accepted this, then I would create content and find a way to make an income… but I don’t want to create content or spend even more time on my device… i quit a job in June of 5 years in front of computers. Humanity becoming digital creators keeps us separate in the physical. I want nature !

Sep 27 at 10:30 PM

Ahhh I love you guys so much! This is so perfect. I feel so expanded

I love watching this so much. Guys make no mistake I know some of your viewers are very advanced spiritually. Some are still in hiding and or healing to grow further into soul gifts and being of service. You have touched point on so many things I felt but not many around me see the same (they are still stuck in old

Mind sets) thank you for what you do!


Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Sep 10 at 09:08 PM

I don’t know how ray responds to questions sometimes.. these interviews are intense. It’s like Jason is pushing for his experinces and to speak but he’s very reluctant and almost gets agitated lol

Sep 07 at 09:02 PM

When was this posted ? Like what’s the year and date of this video??