Robynn Smith

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1

May 09 at 11:40 PM

To the ones dealing with fent addictions I too was on that shit I smoked it everyday for 8 years up until I was really really done so I went to a medical detox clinic where they kept me highly medicated for 5 days straight so I didn't feel the withdrawal pain then after I woke up I was put on suboxone 3 times a day, I take one only when I start to feel a little sick and thats it yes its gross but it saved my life. If you say it sucks and doesn't work for you then you're not ready to quit and if your not ready to quit you won't succeed in getting clean. I love smiling again and its actually a true smile not a fake one no more. Methadone isn't good to come off fent with because you can still use fent while dosing on methadone its just adding more chemicals into your system. It hasn't been easy by no means but I'm also here to talk any time any day of anyone needs to talk reach out please!!!!

#wedorecover love, peace, and light to all. Xoxo