
Sep 10 at 05:20 PM

My question is , is why so obedient!? Does TLS choose people that like to answer to authority? Where does such allegiance come from?

Sep 09 at 08:59 PM

I also appreciate the humanness(f-bombs) of Ray and his honesty even though he could have offended some ‘Athiest’ out there…


Sep 09 at 08:57 PM

Who does? Ray hates the guy and said himself if it were up to him he would take him out


Sep 09 at 04:28 PM

What if they are all made up stories manipulated because they think we are too gullible /naive and desperate to decern


Sep 09 at 04:24 PM

By the way I am in agreement with Ray and inclined to wipe out Schwab for this planet…

Sep 09 at 04:23 PM

Ugh I was just getting excited about the names lol which I probably know lol

Anyway thank you very interesting!


Sep 09 at 04:18 PM

Dr Shiva(?) Has alleged things regarding RFK..?

Sep 09 at 04:17 PM

What about Dr Shiva (?) that’s running as a candidate who is part of the health freedom movement?

Sep 09 at 03:43 PM

Aside from TLS there is direct ‘energy weapons’ that can plant thoughts and encourage behavior so how can you be confident that these ‘reincarnation’/memories are legit? With all sincerity and truly wanting to understand…

Sep 09 at 03:40 PM

How does Ray or other agents know that his memory hasn’t been manipulated given the technology and ‘spiritual’ tools they have available to work with…if they know what you are going to say in advance and intercept even speaking then they must be able to read minds etc?