Debbie Bledsoe

Prescott Valley, AZ, United States

Jul 31 at 01:53 PM

Jarek Ferguson be careful, the contents change from batch to batch. Unless u make it yourself or know the cook, don't trust the contents. There is a concerted effort out there to kill the addicts via overdose. ( I have given 4 doses of narcane and CPR until the ambulance came). JAREK, get into rehab. Whatever u r running from can be overcome. U r important and valuable. Get clean, we need u to warrior for the human race.


Jul 31 at 01:41 PM

To wake up is scary. You will have to reevaluate all u ever knew or thought u know History, current events, trusted faces in TV and movies. It is sad to see the infiltration. It is sad to figure out the answer to WHY would there be a concerted effort to TRICK me. I can relate to u not wanting to wake up from a decent dream to knowing u r in a burning building and have to take action. If u *choose* to wake up, pls find us. We need your help in preparing, so we can soften the impact on all human kind. We will turn this into something that will benefit human kind. 💗 Please consider it. Please search your soul for inner guidance. ( it knows more answers than u have been taught.) Let's do this together!


Jul 31 at 01:13 PM

Jarek Ferguson there is no meth on the streets right now, only fentayal, and it gets stronger each day without notice.

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1

Jul 24 at 11:49 PM

Ebony if the earth is flat, then why don't we hit an edge?

Jul 11 at 02:26 PM

Ryan Tolentino start In your own world first. Clean your room, clean up your friendships and family. Read " Ray of light" the "Pyramid code" Jason's books and keep in touch on UnifyTV.


Jul 11 at 02:20 PM

Ritu maybe he IS special! I am. YOU are. Otherwise, I agree with u.


I feel like the distance from where i am now and where it needs to be is excruciating slow. I would like to speed this process up. And I am loving finding others who are excited to discover their gifts and use the gifts for good.

Jun 02 at 12:20 AM

I am a nurse.  I am baffled on how a hospital put Grace on DNR without family signatures.  How  did the hospital think this would hold up in court?  


May 30 at 12:03 PM

Ryan williams Jessica Roland Ray's of light is currently released at 235 pages is free on the full book is larger but it has been held back, per Ray's request. It will be released in full at a later date.


May 30 at 11:59 AM

Jessica Roland Ray's of light is currently released at 235 pages is free on the full book is larger but it has been held back,per Ray's request, to protect the innocent.
