Debbie Bledsoe

Prescott Valley, AZ, United States

Feb 06 at 11:01 PM

try restarting your phone.  If it doesn't work, email Unify, they will help you unlock the problem.  


Feb 06 at 11:37 AM

Rachael strever activated charcoal if you can give her one ,then one in an hour it will help, depending on how much she ate. But your best bet is the vet before her blood pressure drops too much. Pls let me know your outcome.

Ivory!!!  I am a nurse.  Thank you for bringing this to light so we in the medical field can join forces with other medical people and help the humans.  You are doing God's work! Thank you x 1000!


Jan 05 at 05:14 PM

Travis AlexanderYou have a warrior's heart.  You fight for the rights of humans. This is admirable.  Rosa's question was a valid one.  The awesome thing is she is questioning.  Questioning each of our old beliefs is good.  The more people wake up, the more people will have these questions.  Questions that previous people didn't bother to ask.   They would hide behind, not my kid, not my business.  Many spouses would allow the victimization of one kid, to teach the other kids to stay in line.  In the Greek days, it was thought of an honor if Caesar wanted to sodamize your child.   We now know, these things scared humans for generations and brought humankind further from experiencing LOVE. 

Jan 05 at 04:59 PM

Debbie Bledsoe The victimization of beings keeps us stuck in a place where we lothe ourselves and have deep fear and anger because of it occurring.  Deep in our soul we can feel victimization is not LOVE and it takes us further and further from LOVE.  

We are in a time where we need to examine each belief system and decide if it is working for us as humankind or it is outdated and needs to be let go.  We HAVE been victims and perpetrators of all kinds of stuff that hopefully our grand children will never have to experience.  Hopefully we LEARN the lessons and choose differently because we know what it has cost us. 

Jan 05 at 04:47 PM

Rosa Dibenedetto   I have spent much time thinking about your question.  We all have freewill and we need to use this freewill to lift each other up and evolve to our next level of humankind.  LOVE is our ultimate lesson.  

We are here to learn lessons.  Freewill allows us to take our car and commit crimes that could change people's lives for the worse.  Does that mean if a car is barreling toward a pre-school that we do not intervene?   If we could have easily have stopped this atrocity, should we?  Why would we want to intervene?  All of this lends to the question :"Will allowing this thing to happen move us forward as humankind? (LOVE) "  Will allowing children  to be  victimized benefit that child?  Will the atrocity mame or even murder that child?Will that child grow up to victimize others?  Why should we stop this if it will make the victims  stronger individuals?  These R all good questions.  However, based on results, we can see how children being victimized does not benefit humankind. 


Jan 02 at 03:38 PM

Patrick Ryan Sexson I just talked to Gwen and she asked me to tell you to call her.  (801)-300-9992


Jan 02 at 03:35 PM

Patrick Ryan Sexson Gwen said to pls call her. (801)-300-9992


Jan 02 at 03:07 PM

Bethany NivisonI FB messaged you!

Does anyone have a link to the Transducing ?