Meghan Mulqueen

Commented on DISCLOSURE 4

Sep 28 at 10:18 PM

Some of this I resonate with and some of it I do not...I definitely don't like that Ray and the Rabbi seem to favor and be predisposition to "he" rather than she....Why does the Rabbi's secret school only consist of those that are comprised of the male I am sure there are females that are just as capable, if not more so, than the males whom attend the "secret school"beneath the Western Wall...and why is the coming Messiah a "he!" How do you "Ray" know it is not a feels sexist in my opinion especially as we all now that the Creator or the Universe is both masculine and feminine in nature...also, I believe and have had direct experience with evil, dark energies in my life and know they are real...While I know that the truth that resonates with each person is different based on their life experiences, and soul's journey...not all of what Ray says resonates as truth with me...I wonder if it is on purpose, to test us all and see if we are sheeples